Page 91 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 91

100                        I N D E X .
                                     Page.                           Page.
           Parcel Post, Oversea, contd.    Pupils’ exercises         42, 45
              Postage Rates, table of   62-72  Rates of Postage on all
              Preferential Tariff    52, 98   classes of Mail:
              Prepayment of Duty       55     Inland                 2, 3, 7
              Prohibited Articles    58-60    Oversea               2, 3, 61
              Refund of duty           53  Redirection                 78
              Undelivered Parcels      57  Refund of duty              53
           Parcels, Inland              10 Registered Letter Envelopes  75
           Passenger fares           35-38  Registration:
           Plants, importation of      60     Inland                   11
           Porterage on Telegrams      79     Oversea                  49
           Post Offices, Hours of business at   7  Reply coupons       75
           Post Offices, List of     18-32  Reply Post Card:
           Postage on Official registered letters   16  Inland          7
           Postage Rates on all classes of mail:   Overseas            42
              Inland                    7
              Overseas                 61  Samples (Overseas)        45-46
           Postage Stamps              75  Stamp Vendors               76
             “    Transmission of   12,  48 54   Single volumes of Books
           Postal Orders               74  Size, Limits of See under Letters,
                                            Postcards, etc.:
           Post Cards:                    Stamps, Postage              76
              Inland                    7   Do.   Transmission of    10,48
              Overseas                 41
           Poste Restante              78  “ Small Packets”            10
           Preferential Duty         52,  98  Local
          Prepayment of Duty           55  Stationery: Transmission of  10,  44
           Prepayment of postage in money   10  Street Letter Boxes    79
           Printed Papers:
              Inland                    8 Telegrams                 '   79
              Overseas               42-44  Telegraph Money Orders     73
           Private bags and boxes      78  Tuberculozyne               60
           Prohibited Articles:           Typewritten Circulars    9,43 f.n.
              Letter Mail              48  Undelivered Correspondence  78
              Parcel Mail Export     58-60  Undelivered Parcels (Overseas)  ..  57
                 Do.   Import          60 Wrappers, Newspaper          75
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95