Page 82 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 82

AIE  MAIL.                        91
          Country of    Mails close   Approximate time of transmission from
         Destination.   in London.            London.
             1             2                     3
       Sierra L eone   Sat.        2  days  to  Dakar.
       Solomon  I slands             The  time  of  transmission  and  acceleration
                                     depend  upon  the  steamship  sailings  from
       South  A frica   ..   Twice a week.
        (See also Northern or
        Southern Rhodesia)
       Southern  R hodesia   Twice a week.
       Straits Settlements  Wed.  &  Sat.   8 days to Singapore.
        and  M alay  States
       Sudan            Three times a
       Syria            Weekdays    4 to 5 days to Beirut,
                        except Tuesday.
       T an gan yika   ..   Tw ice  a  week.
        T erritory
       T ransjordan   ..   Weekdays   3 to 4 days to Amman.
       T unis       ..   Weekdays.   2 days to Tunis.
       U ganda (See K enya and  U ganda)
       Union  of  Soviet   Daily.   .  4 days to Irkutsk.
         Socialist  R epublics
       Z anzibar    ..  Twice  a week.
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