Page 34 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 34

     III.  C anada—Letter mail to  and  from the  Dominion  of Canada is sent  and received
    by each  U.S.  mail.  Parcel post mail is, however, conveyed only in direct bottom by the
    steamers of the  Canadian  National  Steamships  trading  between  Montreal  and  Halifax
    and  Jamaica once  every  week,  the  Pickford and Black  Line  trading  between  Halifax,
    N.S.  and  Jamaica,  and  United  Fruit Company  trading  between  St. Jo an and Jamaica.
     IV.  C entral  A merica—Mail  communication  with  these  countries  {except  East  Coast
    of  Nicaragua  and  Venezuela)  is  maintained  by  the  steamers  of  the  United  Fruit  Co.,
    Colombian  Line, Standard Fru t and St  amsh p Co , and Canadian  National Steamships,
    via Cristobal, Barranquilla, Limon, Belize, Barrios, etc.
     V.  W est  India  Islands  and  B ritish  Guiana—Letter  mail  to  and  from  the  West
    India  Islands is exchanged by way of Trinidad and Barbados (fortnightly by  Aluminum
    Line  steamers)  and  also  by  way  of  Cristobal.  Parcel-post mail  is exchanged by the
    Aluminum  Line  steamers  (see  page  58).  The  Colombian Line  maintains  a  weekly
    service  with Haiti.
     The  Canadian  National  Steamships  maintain  a  direct  service  between  Jamaica,  Ber­
    muda,  and  the  Bahamas.
     VI.  Cayman  Islands—A twice-a-month service  is  maintained by R.M.S.  “ Cimboco”
    and  an  irregular service  by schooners.
     VII.  T urks  Islands—A  monthly  mail  service  is  maintained  by  the  M.S.  “ May­
    flower.”  Letter mail is also exchanged  via New York.
     VIII.  Cuba—Mails are  conveyed weekly  by United Fruit Co’s steamers  via Cristobal
    and Habana.  There is no direct  parcel-post  exchange with Cuba.
     By courtesy of the United Fruit Company, the following  schedule of routes, etc., of the
    their regular mail-carrying steamers is furnished.
     New   Y ork-Haiti-Jamaica-C olombia-Canal  Zone-Service:  A  steamer  of  the
    Colombian  Line  leaves  New  York  every  Thursday  and  calls  at  the  following  ports:—
   Port-au-Prince,  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Tuesday),  Puerto  Colombia,  Cartagena,
   Cristobal,  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Tuesday),  Port-au-Prince,  New  York  (arrives
     New  Y ork-  Jamaica-C olombia   service:   A  steamer  leaves  New  York  every
   Wednesday and calls at the following ports:—Kingston (arrives and leaves Sunday), Puerto
   Colombia,  Cartagena,  Santa  Marta,  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Saturday,  New
   York (arrives Wednesday).
     Ne w .   Orleans-C uba-Jamaica-British   Honduras-R epublic   op   Honduras-
   Guatemala-Service:   A  steamer  leaves  New  Orleans  fortnight'y  and  calls  at  the
   following  ports:—Santiago,  Cuba,  Kingston,  Belize,  Puerto  Barrios,  Tela  or  Cortes,
   and New  Orleans.
     Bristol-Jamaica-Service:  Fyffes  Line.  (Elders  &  Fyffes  Ltd.):  A  steamer  of
   the “ A ” Type  leaves  Bristol every  Monday  direct  for  Jamaica  arriving  at  Kingston
   weekly Sundays,  leaves  Kingston the following Tuesday direct for Bristol.
     One  or  two  “ B ”  Type  steamers  leave  weekly  on  Wednesdays  or  Thursdays  from
   Bristol,  Garston,  or  Southampton,  direct  for  Jamaica,  arriving  Friday  or  Saturday,  a
   voyage of  17 days,  leaves on the return trip  the following  Tuesday from  Jamaica home­
   ward,  a  voyage  or  14  days.
       An  “ A ”  Type  steamer  calls  at  Bermuda  outward  from  Bristol  once  a  month  on
   Thursdays  and  leaves  from  Jamaica  on  Tuesdays  via  Bermuda.
     The  following  is the schedule  of  the  Canadian  National  Steamships  mail-carrying
     Canada-B ermuda-N assau-British  Honduras.
     Canada  (Summer Service)  (During  St.  Lawrence River Navigation).
     Southbound:  Weekly  from  Montreal,  calling  forthnightly  at  Bermuda  and  Nassau
   en  route  arrives  Kingston  every  Monday  (every  other  Monday  direct  from  Montreal
   via  Halifax).
     Northbound:  Every  Wednesday  from  Kingston  for  Montreal  calling  fortnightly at
   Nassau and Bermuda en route.  (Every other Wednesday direct to Montreal).
                           Canada-Winter Service.
     Southbound:  Weekly  from  Halifax,  calling  fortnightly  at  Bermuda  and  Nassau  en
   route, arrives Kingston every other Sunday and Thursday.  (Arrives direct from Halifax
   every other Thursday).
     Northbound:  Weekly from Kingston  every other Tuesday and Wednesday for Halifax
   calling  forthnightly  at  Nassau  and  Bermuda.  (Direct  to  Halifax  leaving  Kingston
   every  other  Wednesday).
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