Page 30 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 30

PASSENGER  SERVICES.                   35
                    PASSENGER  SERVICES.
    A  motor  mail  and  passenger  service  is  maintained  between  the  following  places:
  Kingston  and  Port  Antonio  (via  Morant  Bay);  Morant  Bay  and  Trinity  Ville;
  Ewarton  and  Montego  Bay  (a);  Anchovy  and  Lucea  (6); Balaclava  and  Southfield;
  Balaclava  and  Ulster  Spring  (b);  Maggotty  and  Black  River  (b) ;  May Pen and Race
  Course  (c);  Montpelier  and  Savanna-la-Mar  (b); Williamsfield and Savanna-la-Mar  (d);
  Williamsfield and Cross Keys  (6); Linstead and  Gayle  (a);  Richmond and  St.  Ann’s Bay
  (a); and Shooter’s  Hill and Brown’s Town  (b);  Savanna-la-Mar  and  Negril  (b);  Middle
  Quart ers and New Market (b).
   The  time  of  arrival and  departure of the cars may be ascertained  by referring  to the
  preceding Table.
                J                 !   [   j                     I
                |Moneague.   Claremont.  Lime Hall.  Laughlands.   Clarks Town.  Duncans.  Falmouth.  Little River.
    Fares from          St. Ann’s Bay.  Runaway Bay.  Browns Town.   Stewart Town.   Jackson Town,   Montego Bay.

  Ewarton     2/6 4/ 4/6 5/  6/  8/  9/ 10/  10/6 11/  11/6 12/6 13/6 14/
  Moneague     -  1/6 2 /6 4 /  5/  6/  7/  8/  9/ 10/  10/6 11/6 12/  12/6
  Claremont    -  -  1/3 2/  3/  V  6/  7/  8/  9/  10/  10/6 11/  11/6
  Lime Hall    -  -  -  1/  2/  3/  5/  6/  7/  8/  9/  9/6 10/  11/
  St. Ann’s Bay ..  -  -  -  1/  2/  4/  5/  5/6 6/  6/6  7/  8/6 10/6
  Laughlands   -  -  “  -    1/3 3/  4/  5/  6/  7/  8/  8/6  9/6
  Runaway Bay  -  -  -  -  -     2/  3/  4/  5/  6/  7/  8/  9/
  Brown’s Town  -  -   -  -   -     1/   2/  3/  4/  5/  6/6  8/
  Stewart Town  -  -  _  -  -  -  -      1/  2/  3/  4/6  5/6  7/6
  Jackson Town                              1/  2/   3/6  5/  7/
  Clarks Town  . .            -                 1/   2/6  4/6  6/6
  Duncans                                            2/  4/  6/
  Falmouth                                               3/  5/
  Little River                                               2/

        Fares from       Hopewell.  Sandy Bay.  Lucea.  Green Island.

  Auehovy                  2/6       3/6       6/         7/6
  Hopewell                  -        1/        3/6        6/
  Sandy Bay                 -         -        2/6        5/
  Lucea                     -         -         -         3/

        Fares from       Hayes.    Alley.   Race Course.  Milk River.
  May Pen                  2/         4/        5/          6/
  Hayes                     -         2/        3/          5/
  Alley                     -         -          1/         2/
  Race Course               -         -          -          1/
   a  Connects with 2.55 p.m. train daily.
   6  Connects  with  11.25 a.m.  train daily.
   c  Connects with  7.25 a.m. train daily.
   d  Connects with 4.59 p.m. train (Tuesday, Thursday,  Saturday.)
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