Page 33 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 33

3 S                     OVERSEA  MAILS.

                  Fares from
                                     Peterstield.  Ramble.   Montpelier.
        Savanna-la-Mar                   2/          5/4        7/4
        Petersfield                                  3/4        5/4
        Ramble                                                  2/
                       Georges   j                 1
           Fares  from  Plain.   1Grange Hill. Little London;  Sheffield.  Negril.

        Georges Plain
        Grange  Hill
        Little London  '   }   Refer to  Messias & Me Cauley, St.  Ann’s Bay.
        Sheffield     i
        Negril        j

                      Giddy Hail  Newmarket.

        Middle Quarters
        Giddy Hall    c   Refer to  Messias & Me Cauley,  St.  A nn’s Bay.
        Newmarket     j

         Passengers.—At  intermediate  stations a  passenger  must  take bis  chance of  finding
        a  vacant  seat  in the  coach,  and  must, if  there  is a  vacancy,  then  pay  his  fare to  the
        contractor’s agent.
         The  amount for  such ticket must be paid  in cash,  and the ticket must  be handed  to
        the driver or guard of the coach before the passenger take; his seat.
         In  all ca=es  if a passenger  intends  to leave  the coach  between  stations  he must  pay
        the fare to  the next station beyond.
         The  persona! luggage of each  passenger is limited  to 20 lbs. by weight  or 2,000  cubic
        inches by size.  Any  excess must be paid for  as freight, and such excess may not exceed
        10 lbs. in weight, or  1,000 cubic inches in size.  Dogs  are not allowed to be  carried  by

                             OVERSEA  MAILS.
                           MEANS  OF  COMMUNICATION *
         I.  Great  B ritain— Letter  mail f to  and  from  Great  Britain and Europe is conveyed
        by  every  available  opportunity  via  the  United  States,  and  by steamers of Elders and
        Fyffes,  Jamaica  Banana  Producers  Association  Ltd.  and Standard Fruit and Steamship
        Co., via Bristol, Liverpool,  London, Garston or Plymouth.  The Department endeavours
        to forward letter  mail  for  Europe  by  the  most  expeditious route in each case.  Parcel
        Post mail  is conveyed only by the direct steamers.
         II.  United  States  of  A merica—Mails  (both  letter  and  parcel)  to  and  from  the
        United  States  of  America  are  conveyed  by  the  steamers  of  the  United  Fruit  Co.,
       Colombian Line,  and Standard Fruit and  Steamship Co.
         * See also Appendix A, pages 95-97.
         fThe  term  “ letter  mail’’ refers  to  letters  and  post  cards,  and  packages  of  printed
       and commercial papers,  samples and  “ small  packets.”
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