Page 16 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 16

10                  POST  Ol'~'ICC.  OUIOE.
                 Direct.or of Prisons         Secrctnry of Board of Supervision
                 Direct or of Public Hcnlt h Bureau   Sccrc•tnry of Central Supplemcntn.ry Allow-
                 Elect·ccl l\llcmb~rs, Ledslative Council  (l)   >IUc·cs Committee
                 Government Electrical hspeclor   Secretary of Institute of Jamaioo (2)
                 Harbour 1\1 aster            Secretary of Jamaica Agricultural Society (3)
                 Headrl\a,ter Kingston Technical and Con.   Sccr·el ary of Kingston A!hcnrotun (2)
                  tinUtltion School           Secretary of Mal'ino Board
                 Inmates of the T.epcrs' Home   Secretary of Mico Training College
                 Inspecting Engineers, P.W.D.   Secretary of Public Tenders ~ommiLtec
                 Inspector Hookworm Campaign   Secrctnry of Schools Commission
                Mico Training Colleg(),  Principal and   Secn•tary of Sugar Industry .\id Bonrd
                  SeereLnry                   Secretary  Tourist Trade  Developrrwnt
                 Nominntcd :\'lcmbero, Lcgisl:~tive Council I!)  Board
                 OfficeriJt charge of Colcyvillc 'Yirclc~s   Secrclnr)  of Yerc lrrignlion
                  Station                     Short" ood Colle~c : Principal and Secretary
                 Officer Conunanding .Jn,rr.aicn Militia   of Board of Director.~
                  Artillery                   Superintendent of General Penitentiary
                 Passport and Permit Offi~cr   Superintendent of Covt. Printing Office
                 Principal of )Jico Trnininp; College   • uperintcndent of Industrial School
                 Principal of Rhortwood Training College   Superintendent of :\lnchinery, P.W. Dept.
                 Protector of 1 mmigranl~     Superintendent of l'ublic Gardens
                 Registrur of the Supreme Court   Strperintendenl  of  St.  Catherine  District
                 Registrar of Titles           Pr·i~on
                Secretary of Board of Directors, Shortwood  Superintendent of ::;torelli, P.W. Depnrtment
                  Trnini11g College           upcrintcnding   111~pcctor,   Hookworm
                 Secretary of Board of Ed·Jcttt.ion   Campaign
                  Railway station agents arc authorised to send through the post not prepaid but stnrnpfhl
                 with their offire stamp, ".lnmnica Go,·ermncnt Rnilwny~" or" Jamaica Railway Compnn.v,''
                printed notices ('' Consil!necs'  undelivered goods'')  in open official envelopes.
                  Letters headed " lnfecl'ous Diseages :!\;otificntion, '' bcnring the signnture of the medical
                practitioner and addressed ton :'lledicnl Officer of Health or the Central Board of Health,
                or 11  Local Bonrd of Heullh, are admitted  free of poslu~e.
                  Packets addressed to i\lrs. Bourne, l\fedicnl Office,  Kingston, nrc to be nllowcd through
                the post frrc of charge.
                  Ex.scrvicc ml'n  of  tho B."· .I.R. mny send artificial limbs free  by  inland  parcel  post
                 addressed to the military 1\ulhorities at Up Park Camp. Cross Roads, or to the Technical
                 School, Kingston.  The parcel must be clearly  rnnrl(cd  on the outside  "ArtificifLI  Limb
                for  Repair."
                  Lelli'T.< add,.,·.~~cd lo plaC(,, abroad cannot bf franked brll should be prepaid.
                            Rules reyarding Franhng of Official Corr~pondenu.
                  I. The envelope or cover of t.he official letter or other packet may be "iranked"  under
                Authority of Hi• Excellency  Ll•c  Guv~:ruur iu either of  1 he following  ways - (n)  l~y  the
                impression  of an approved official fmnk stamp; (b) by the signature and official  dcsign~~­
                tion of the  Head  of lhc Department, or other  duly  authorised  officer  or functionary
                on the lower left hand  corner  of  the em·clope or co,·er.  The en,·clope or co,·er must  be
                 su perscribcd ";th the wcrds "On His :'of ajcsty's Service."
                  (!) Electt·d and nominnted  members of  the Legislative  Council  have the  privilege of
                franking letters relatin~ to public business which they may write in their official cnpncity as
                members of the Council aud sending them through the post free of charge,  tbeir sianatures
                and official  designation to  be  placed on the en vel ope.
                  (2)  Franked lnbcls are s~nt out with each packeL of books t{) enable them to be rcwrned
                throuech  tbc poet free or charge.
                  (3)  The Secretary of the .\griculturnl Society may issue franked envelopes or  coverings
                addressed  to himself.
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