Page 17 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 17

OFFICIAL  CORHt:SPO).-nEXCE.             11

              2.  The envelope or cover  must  bo  addrCS~Jed to the head of  the department or  to  a
            public  officer  or  functionnry  who  i~ entitled  by  thl"'  nuthority  of  lfiJ  .Excellency  the
            C:ovcruor to recci>e oflicial corrcspoudcuce free of clfrge for postap,r.
              :l.  No p ublic officer  will  be permitted  to make use of ally btarnp for franking letters
            or to frank lett er.'! 11ithout the ar1lhorily of the Governor.
              '1.  !leads  o( Departments and nil  postmasters  wust excrci~c vig.iluHcc  to prevent any
            abuse of tbo fn1uking privilege, and any OI'Mion or attempt to abuRe the privilege or any
            departure from the rules, rnust be reported, 1\ ith full particularR, to the Colonial Secretary
            or to Lite  Postmaster for Jamaica.
              5. Thefrankin:c of en~·elopes, etc., <~ilhcr by means of tlw franl<inl!' starnp or by si!! nature,
            .i• ;trictly forbidden, unless the envclopcR contain at the time of franking the official cor·
            rC>J>Ondcncc  or  matter  to  be  Lr:uJ,mitted  through  the  po~t, subject  to  the following
            CXI'l'ption,  0811'.Ciy-
             That any "rit~cn or printed rnnttcr properly i•sued inn franked  envelope or co•·ering
            for l'irculation amon;.;  mcmbl'rs o( a  board or any body of indil idunl~. nod for  ultimate
            return to the office of i!;Suc,  mny  be  pu,,ed  from one member of -uch  board or body  to
            another in au cuwlope or coYcrin!( provided for the purpose and duly franked in ad•·ancer
            hy a duly authorised officer.
              N.B.-A.ll  re(li.Rtered  letters,  posted  by  the  pt1blic  and  not  fra11ked  as  above  described,
            addressed  to  the  o:Uicials  named above in  both  lists  A  and  B,  must lie  prepaid with the
            registration fee  of two  pence, with the  exception of registered letters addressed  to  the Manager
            of thQ  Governmetll Sariug& Bank lt!!.ich w·e wholly postage free.
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