Page 11 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 11


               The General  Poot Office in Kingston is  situated io  the  Public Buildings, west block,
                                       King Rtrcet.
               TtrE Circuln.tiou  Branch,  i\Touey  Order Office,  and Tclep:mph Offices arc  maintained
              at  the north west  portion  of  the  Public  l3uildiu\:s,  Kin!!  Street.  The <;9ntrol  Branch
              n.nd the Telc~mp!J Offirc are on the fir~t floor·  of 1 he builrlinl!;.  The l'nrccl  l'osl  Depart-
              ment, including the C.U.JJ. anu Detained I'Mket OHic~,, is ncrw housed in the new Govern-
              ment l3uildinJ,:"s  (formerly " Orace Building, "  :-lo.  3:3  0li\'icr  l'IIIC<').
               The official  hours or the \'arious departments are :Is follows:-
               KJN(l~·roN: General  l'ost  Office,  Circulation  brnncb,  S  a.m.  to 4  p.m.;  ~loney and
             l'ostnl Order hrnnches,!) n.m. to 3 p.m.; Parcel  Post Branch, !l a.m. to 3 p.m.; Telegraph
             bmnch, 7 n.m.  to,) p.m.
               Cot;N1'1\Y :  All  Post and Telegraph  OITlces, 7 a.m.  to ,j p.m.
                                 INLAND  MAILS.

                                  RATES  or~ POSTAGE.

               L £TTER9.   Posr CA nos.          PRt~Tf:l) A:\D   f>;\HCEI.S.
                                                 Comrr:RCIAL   (l)   (2] __
                                   Locnl          PAP£RS.
                                          Rcg:istra- ~    (Sample  For each  pound
              J:!""or  each       Ne'ivspapcr~            pnckct.s.) c' for every lOO
             ounce or  frne~  Single.   Reply   Uon  Fee.   For  each   li'or  encb  cubic inches nt
              tional  !Hlrt   pnid.   I   each.            two   the option of
              ol nn  ounce.   '                  t.wo  ounce.~.   ounces.   the  Depart-
                        _I_                                       ment.
              One ncnny.  On~ half_!   One   H alf-  Two-  Half-penny.   One   Fourpence-.
                      pcmn_L_ llcnny.   p~nny.   pence    penny(l)l
                                      Hl>GU r.A'fiONS.
               (a)  LrttM·.•.- 'Xo letter for delh·ery in Jnmnica may cxcc<d  1~ inches in length, ~·  inchea
             in width or (i iuch~>s iu depth, c>.ccpt it be sent to or from  n (:overnment Office.
               Lrl/1:1·" .<p/'1 iu f•JlCil  em~lupr.< Cll'e not mhmllrd Cll ralt for'· P1·intetl P fqJtl',<."
               I.ettcrs,  rocw~p:lpCl~-;,  prict·~ current,  ~nd book  packets  whir:h  are ?Ch{ll/!f  IU>7Jaid  will
             be liabk to :1  ~urchargc eqnul t'o  double  the  prcprud  rate; and, if  they !Ire insufficiently
             prepaid, to r' surcharge equtli  to dou'b/e !he deficiency.
               At the General Post Ofnce, King><lon,  ietters, circuhw'. accouuts, <l.<c.,  (hut. not news-
             JmJJers may be prepaid in mone.v instead of posta~e stamps; provided tlmt rhe articles are
             chargeabl~ with an unifm·11\ rate of postal't>, that t he amou11t  paid is  in no case le~s than
             10s., and that they are tied  iu  bundles repr~.scntinl' a  post:lre of 2s.  Gd.  each, with  the
             addresses ananll;ed in  the ~a me direction.  Purh mail  m:>ft('t' must he pr<l"cnted at. a  time
             pre-arranged  wit.h  t he  Gencml  Post Office.
               (b)  Post  Cord.~.-Pril·at<;  post  cards  prepaid  by  menu.<  of  halfpenny  postag~
             ~1:'>Y  be  ~en(  by  ihe inl:md  post  on  the  following  conditions:-They  must not  exc<·cd
              Oo by ·1 ~ in<·heY nor be lc~s than 4 by 2~ inches.  The right haud half of the fncc is 1·eser• et!
             for the postal directions and nddress; the left hand half is ~,·ailablP for t lw purposes of the
             sender,  s u bject  to  the  following  rcstrictious:-Jn  addition  to stamps  for  prepayment
               {1)  No receipt i;  given for  parcels  ~ent Ul.der this ~C:lle,  they are treated as ordinary
             I  et!crs and should be po;tcd in the letter box.
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