Page 5 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 5

                                        V.  S.  AR~Y CBNSORSHlP

                                     HAND STAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.
                                 ~ester - M-US~C 2  and  K-USAC  3·


            %  ?1'.~. ~ "? 7  "'I'? e.,,..~
             '2.  s  1"/., ,  ,L ~ ~ _,!..
              Chadcs M."Ba~t'"'        ~ l
              ( , tptain,  Signal  Corps,
             Chief Military Censor.
                             p ·  ~AA>I •  Cba . ~ ~.

                        ~·{--~~ · :·,fit  ~ ~L.J .u.J

                                       ,              ~

               Cover  'from  -the  base  at Clarendon "Parish  to  Columbia,  U.$.A.
               bearing both  M-USAC  2  and  H-USAC  3·               The  cover  has  been

               franked  with "J"amai can  stamps  and  bears  Kingston  machine
               dater  cancellation  of  the  10th :rune,  1941.                   :rt  illustrates
               the  method  by  which  -the  E:ngineeEs'  tnail  was  transmi ttea_,  as

                a.t'ter  censorship  at  the  camp  and  passingt'  by  captain Baer,
                the  cover  would  be  posted  at  the  Kingston  q.P.o.

                ~here are  no u.s.  Army  Post  Office  markings  on  the  cover  as
                A.P.O.  804,  ihe  first  o£  such  ~nits,  did  not  arrive  at
                J"amaica until  November,  1941,  as  _part  o:f  "Force Tuna".
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