Page 4 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 4

                                      U.  S.  ARMY  CENSORSHIP
                                   HAN:nSTAMPS  ANb  POSTMARKS •.
                                        Poster  - M-USAC  2.

                  The  second  -type  of  Army  censorship handsiamp  was  also
            used  by  Captain Baer,  presumaoly  in his  capacity  as  "Chief

            Military  Censor"  at  Kings-ton.                It consists  of'  -Ehe  wording,
             "Charles  M.'tain.,  Signal  Corps,/Chief Military

            Censor.",  in  serif type,  2  - ;;  mm  high)'  sirock  in  black.
                  This  has been  recorded  on  covers  bearing
            M-USAC  3,  described  for  convenience  below,  and  as  this latter

            ha.ndstatnp  was  probably  applied by  '\:he  U. s.  Engineers  whilst
             constructing the  base,  it is believed 1hat  although  the
             cover  would  have  already been  censored  at  "uni t.u  level,

             Captain Baer  wnould  also nave  apj:llia:i  M-USAC  2 ,  on  such
             censored  mail.           If  ~his were  the  case  then  M-USAC  ~ is
             analogou~ to  M-USNC  4,  which  was  used  by  -the  N<:~vy .
             F.KD:    71/6/1941                                     LKD:

                                       Poster  - M-USAC  ).

                  This nandstamp  consisis  of  a  four  line handstamp  worded,

             ''WAR  DEPAR'l'MENT/U.S .  ENQI.NBBRS/J"AMAICA  I>ISTR1CT/CENSORED                11
             in heavy  serif  iype,  3  mm  high.             Ii nas  only  been  recor ded
             struck  in  magenta.

                  _As  men-tioned  above ,  it ie  beli-eved  that  this  was  a  ''unit"
             censorship  bandstamp  of  the u.s .  ~ngineers who  supervised  ~he

             construction  of  the  Army  bases  in  Clarendon :Parish.                     trhe
             work  was  carried.  out  by  American  civilian contr actors  under
             this  supervision ,  but the  Army  unit  would  censor  i~s

             members'  mail  and  pass  the  mail  to  the  Engineers '
             Transportation  Office,  wbicb  was  at  2.8  Nor-th  Street,
             Kingston ,  where l3aer  would  Hpass it,  as  censored.
             EKD.:     3/6/1941                                     LJ<D;
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