Page 17 - Sutclifffe-APD_Military_RoyalNavy
P. 17

                                             The  Royal  Navy  in  Jamaica .
     Section  VI .   Unit  handstamps  used  during  World  War  II.


         This  is  a  handstamp  used  by  the  officer  who  controlled  shipping  and  convoy  movements ,
     and  is  a  TRD  handstamp  with  a  double  lined  outer  oval ,  36  x  54mm,  and  a  single  line  inner
      oval ,  21  x  42mm.   The  wording  NAVAL  CONTROL  SERVICE  appears  around  the  top  and  KINGSTON,
      JAMAICA,  at  the  bottom  both  in  block  serif  type,  3mm  high  separated  by  asterisks  on  each
      side .   The  marking  is  struck  in  purple  ink .
      EKD :  13  December  1939                                 LKD :  13  November  1940

         Reverse  of  a  cover  from  Kingston  to  England  bearing  RN  6,  the  cover  is  franked  at  2/2d
      and  bears  the  Service' s  handstamp  PC  2 ,  No.  2 .   The  Kingston  dater  is  the  5~ November ,
      1940 .

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             t  AIR  1t7AI L

                                            Henry  Head  & Co.  Ltd. ,

                                      1,  Carew  Road,

                                             Nort hwood,  Middlesex.

                                         CORREO  AEREO  -.          VIA AIR MAIL
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