Page 3 - Military_RAF
P. 3

                                          The  Royal  Air  Force  in  Jamaica.

           Indeed,  i t  appears  that  the  numbers  of  R.A. F .  personnel  stationed  in  Jamaica  was  so
       small  as  not  to  warrant  their  own  postal  unit ,  and  the  present  evidence  shows  that  their
       mail  was  transmitted  by  the  Army,  via  the  Signals  Centre  at  Up  Park  Camp .     It  is
       interesting  to  note  that  none  of  the  mail  so  far  recorded  bear  any  R. A . F .  censorship
       markings ,  but,  like  the  Army' s  mail ,  if  it went  by  normal  Post  Office  channels  it was
       subject  to  Postal  Censorship .

           Few  unit  marki ngs  have  been  recorded  to  date  and  so  covers  from  R.A. F.  are  also
       included  here,  the  latter  usually  being  sent  from  within  the  island  whilst  the  sender
       was  on  leave  or  in  transit .

       Section  I.    R.A.F .  unit  handstamps.

       RAF  l .   R. A. F .  DEPOT/PALISADOES.

           This  is  a  un-framed  marking  in  block  serif  type,  3mm  high,  worded  as  above  with  a
       period  after  PALISADOES ,  and  is  struck  in  purple  ink .
       EKD :  1944                                                LKD :
           O. H. M.S.  cover  to  England  with  RAF  1  and  Up  Park  Camp  Signals  Centre  handstamp.     The
       cover  went  to  the  War  Office  in  London  where  it received  R.  {OVERSEAS)/WAR  OFFICE
       handstamp,  all  three  markings  in  purple  ink .     At  London  the  item  was  compulsorily
        registered  and  bears  London  registration  dater  of  the  16th  October,  1944 .

                                     ON  HIS I  MJ\JES'I'Y' s  SERVI CE

                                        Reuo .L'    QI.'.r'ice,
                                                                                        P.  ·D£Po
                                                  l  AiJ:  Force ,                        PALISADO£.;.


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