Page 442 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 442

Jamaica: Accountancy, Underpaid & Tax

      ‘T’ Marks
                                                 ‘T in Small Triangle

       These markings were the first attempts made by the Postal Authorities to utilize a standard handstamp indicating a postal deficiency at
                 the point of mailing. They were usually accompanied by the charge expressed either in m/s or by handstamp.
                               At least four variations of the style are recorded, known used 1882 to 1939.

                                                1891 Kingston to Guatemala

                                                                                                   At Kingston
                                                                                             Squared circle of 21 Sep 1891

                                                                                             Tax mark: EJP: UPTT-D05-2
                                                                                                (Proud: UP-1 to UP-4)

                  Letter rate to Guatemala was 4d. Underpaid with only a ½d adhesive.

                                                      ‘T’ in Square

            This is the only recorded example of the square tax marking for Jamaica, therefore can’t confirm whether a Jamaican marking.
                                                   1899 Egypt to Jamaica

               At Cairo
            cds of 26 Apr 1899

             At Kingston
      Squared Returned Letter Branch
           and ADVERTISED

                Tax mark

                                                      Manuscript ‘5’, presumably double the 2½d UPU letter rate.
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