Page 441 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 441

Jamaica: Accountancy, Underpaid & Tax

      PAID Marks
                                                      Double Ring
                               Type PD17 in use 1898 to 1900

                                                                                                  At Kingston
                                                                                                  Double ring cds
                                                                                              ‘PAID JAMAICA’ PD17
                                                                                                   (Proud PD15)
                                                                                              of 6 Nov 1898 (new EKD)

                                                                                                At Spanish Town
                                                                                                 cds of 6 Nov 1898

               Type PD18 in use 1910 to 1915

                                                                         Type PD19 in use 1934 to 1937

         1911 Newspaper Wrapper (to Astley Clerk)                  1937 Newspaper Wrapper (to Astley Clerk)
         Double ring ‘PAID JAMAICA’ PD18 of 2 Dec 1911       Double ring ‘POSTAGE PAID JAMAICA’ PD189 of 24 Aug 1937
                         (Proud PD16)                                              (Proud PD18)
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