Page 19 - Jamaica, Censorship - Paul Farrimond
P. 19


                     Terminal Censorship: lnstructional Enclosure

Unless the item of mail was returned to the sender, most instructional enclosures provided information
      for the recipient; in this case noting that something was missing when opened by the censor.

                                                     1942 (20th June)
                         Cover from Kingston to Burlingame, California, USA

  This cover was mailed at the threepenny surface letter rate to the United States on 201h June 1942.

               -1- - - - . . : . - - - -

   •   .,,. ~  - ---- - - ---- --- -.r - -- ~ -- - '

ui:.iJ Mr. Herbert VTrahtz
                                                       530 Francisco Drive

                                                      Burlingame, Cali~.

                                                      U. S. A.

  The envelope was opened for censorship by Examiner No.15 of the Jamaican Censorship Service.

A small gummed label was affixed, originally to the inside of the envelope where a remaining corner is
 still attached. This reads "Enclosure mentioned missing when opened by Censor" (JL100), and was

                         handstamped with the JCH2 handstamp of the Examiner (No.15).

                               This is the only known example of this instructional label.

  The envelope was subsequently resealed with a JL14 label, handstamped with the letter "D" (PX1)
            and the Examiner marked the front of the cover with their JCH2 handstamp (No.15).
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