Page 295 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 295


                     Workers Savings and Loan Bank, contd.
        A depositor who resides at a place where there is no Branch of the Bank can
       make a  withdrawal  through  the  post  by sending  his  passbook  to  Head  Office
       with  a  withdrawal  form, signed  for  the  amount  required.  Depositors  resident
       abroad can also make withdrawals in this manner.  If the depositor  is unable to
       obtain a withdrawal  form, a  letter signed  by  the  depositor stating  the amount
       required, will be accepted.
        Interest  on  the  minimum  monthly  balance at  the  rate  of 7%  per annum  is
       added to accounts half-yearly on the 31st March and 30th September.
        Interest is payable on amounts of SI or multiples thereof, but not on fractions
       of $1.
         Money deposited bears interest for each complete calendar month of deposit.
       Money  withdrawn ceases  to  bear  interest  for  the  month  of withdrawal  unless
       withdrawn on the last day of the month or the last working day thereof.
       Alterations in Names of Accounts.
        If any alteration  in or any addition  to the  name  of an  account  is necessary
       the  passbook  should  be  sent  to  Head  Office  with  the  necessary  instructions.
       No alterations of any nature should  be made to a  passbook  by any depositor.
       Marriage of Female Depositor
        The  passbook  and  Marriage  Certificate, together with  a  specimen  signature
       executed in the marrie.1 name on the appropriate form, should be sent to Head
       Office for the change of name to be noted.  The passbook and Marriage Certifi­
       cate will be returned to the depositor.
        Depositors should notify  the bank of any change of their address as noted in
       their passbooks, unless otherwise informed passbooks will be sent to the address
       noted therein.
        All  inquiries  in  connection  with  an  account  should  be  addressed  to  Branch
       Manager, Workers Savings and Loan Bank, 134 Tower Street, Kingston.  Infor­
       mation  concerning  any  matters  relating  to  the  Bank  will  be  readily  given  on
       application to the Manager.
                            List of Branches

                            Branch        D ays open to the Public
       Kingston (6)    Allman Town                Daily
                         (Kingston 4)
                       Denham Town                Daily
                         (Kingston  14)
                       Franklin Town              Daily
                         (Kingston  16)
                       Port  Royal                Daily
                         (Kingston 1)
                       Windward Road              Daily
                         (Kingston 2)
                       Mercury House              Daily
                         (Kingston 18)
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