Page 294 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 294


                    Workers Savings and Loan Bank, contd.
     Opening an Account
       An account  may be opened with a  deposit of not less  than  two  dollars and
     any future deposits must not  be less than Two Dollars.  The method of opening
     an account is very simple.  The depositor fills up  a  lodgment  form and furnishes
     a specimen signature which should be duly  witnessed  by a Justice of the Peace,
     Minister  of Religion,  Postmaster,  or  some  other  responsible  person.
       Account can  be readily opened and  operated  by persons residing abroad by
     making written application to the Manager.
       A  passbook,  showing  the  amount  deposited,  is  issued  immediately  at  the
     Bank’s headquarters, or within a few days of the deposit made at a Branch.
       The  passbook  must  be  presented  with  every  subsequent  transaction  for the
     amount  to  be  recorded  therein.  Depositors  are  requested  to  see  that  every
     transaction, deposit or withdrawal is correctly entered in the passbook and also
     to ensure the safe-keeping of passbooks, the number of which should be privately
     noted for reference.
       If a passbook is lost, the loss should  be reported immediately to Head Office
     and  the  number of the book quoted. A charge  of twenty cents will be made for
     advertising the loss of the pass 3cok.  A charge of twenty cents is also made for
     replacing  a  mutilated  passbook.  Passbooks  should  be  sent  to  Head  Office  as
     soon after the 31st  March and  the 30th  September in each year, as is possible,
     in order that interest may be entered therein.
      Deposits (and  withdrawals) may be made at the Head  Office or any branch
     of the Bank  irrespective  of  where  the  account  was opened.  The  balance that
     may  be held  to the credit  of any one account  is not limited.  Deposits  may  be
     sent  to  Head  Office  by free registered  post;  the  passbook  must accompany all
     such  deposits.  Deposits  may  be transferred  from one account  to another,  and
     to or from the Post Office Savings Bank in the United Kingdom.
     Form in which Deposits are accepted
      Deposits are accepted  in Jamaican  Currency  or  other legal  tender including
     Cheques, Bank Drafts, Payable Orders, British Postal Order,  Post Office Money
     Orders or Dollar Bills (United States and Canadian).  Cheques, Drafts or Orders
     should be made out in the name of the Depositor or the Manager of the Workers
     Savings and Loan Bank.
     Schools’ Savings Programme
      This system  is intended  to help  children  primarily to save  small  units of as
     little as  1  cent at a  time by joining a school's savings  programme and making
     lodgments in a school’s savings account book at the school.
        At Head Office   —A depositor, may on demand,  withdraw  a part or the
                       whole  of his  deposit,  subject  however  to  the  right  of
                       the  Manager  to  demand  from  any  depositor  fifteen
                       days notice of any withdrawal.
        At  Branches   —Depositors  may  on  demand,  withdraw  up  to  $£0.00
                       in  any  one  Bank  day.  A  depositor  wishing  to  with­
                       draw more than $50 must inform the Clerk in Charge,
                       who will  communicate with  Head  Office  by  telegram,
                       with  a  view  to  payment  being  made  at  the  earliest
                       possible time.
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