Page 293 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
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      Head Office
        The Head  Office  of the  Bank is in  Kingston at  134—140 Tower Street at the
      corner of Tower Street and Orange Street
      Branches—Post Office outlets
        There  are  255  Branches  at  Post  Offices  throughout  the  Island.  Accounts
      may  be  opened  and  operated at  any  of these  Branches  or at  the  Head  Office
      in Kingston.
        The repayment of monies deposited in the Savings Bank together with  interest
      thereon  at  the  time  of the  change  over  from  the  Government  Savings  Bank
      to  the  Workers  Savings  and  Loan  Bank  is  guaranteed  by  the  Government  of
        Strict  secrecy  is  observed  and  all  employees  of the  Bank  are  forbidden  by
      law to make any disclosures concerning depositors accounts.

      Types of Accounts
        The following types of account may be opened—
      Single Account   —may be opened  in the name of anyone seven  years of
                        age  upwards,  withdrawals  being  made  on  the  signa­
                        ture of the individual.  Such a depositor may also be a
                        party to a joint account or a trust account.
      Infant Account   —may be opened in the name of any person on behalf of
                        and in the name of an infant under seven years of age.
                        Withdrawals are made on  the signature of the  person
                        opening the account until  the infant attains the age of
                        21 years; thereafter, the person referred to as the infant
                        shall operate the account.
      Joint Account   —may  be  opened  in  the names  of not  more  than  three
                        persons,  with  arrangements  for  the  account  to  be
                        operated on the signature of all or any number of the
                        parties  or  by one of the parties  named, during life.
      Trust Account   —may be opened in the name of:—
         (i)  Societies registered under the Friendly, the Industrial  and Provident and
            the Co-operative Societies Act.
         (ii)  Firms,  clubs,  institutions,  organisations  and  other  bodies,  also  in  the
            name of one or more persons in trust for another person or persons.
        (iii) Executors, Administrators and Trustees under the Attorneys,  Executors
           and Trustees (Accounts and General) Act.
        (iv) Any Government Department or Fund.
        Withdrawals  must  be  on  the  signatures  of the  person  or  persons  specified
      from time to time to operate the account.
        Not more than one account of the same type may be opened in the same name
      or names.
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