Page 230 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 230

220    p o ^t  o ? n c n   g l id e

                    Overseas Post:  Foreign  Countries, could.

       SINGAPORE, (Republic of) contd.
         Insurance: Limit SSOJ.
         Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.

         Prohibitions:  Letters; arms and  parts thereof;  butane gis lighters and  refills;
       coin and  bullion  exceeding SS5J in value;  bancor currency notes,  securities  of
       any  kind  payable to bearer; lottery and sweepstakes tickets; advertisements  for
       charms, amulets and  talismans;  used  or  fictitious  postage  stamps;  items  con­
       taining imitations (for games) of currency notes or coins or articles  bearing  re­
       productions of currency notes, bank  notes or coins which are legal  tender in any
       country or territory, sodium and calcium cyclar.iatcs or preparations  containing
       any proportion of cither or both substanecs.
         Restrictions:  Intoxicating  liquors;  plants  and  seeds,  dru;s,  hypodermic
       syringes,  narcotics, meat  an I  meat  products,  plants,  flowers,  seeds,  fruits, etc.
       except under permit from the Director, i rimary Production, Singapore.
         Address: See under Lr.rtrn Post.
       SOCIETY ISLANDS—See French  Polynesia
       SOLOMON  ISLANDS  (Except  Buka  and  Bougainville,  or  which islands see
                         Papua New Guinea'.
        Letter Post
          Surface   1
          Air Mail   ] See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  pack  t  po:t—up  to  S100
       green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance:  No Scr  ice.
        Prohibitions:  Butane gas lighters and refills.

        Parce  Post
          Surface   \
          Air       /See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Customs declaration:  1Yellow form CP3.

        Prohibitions:  Letters; butane gas lighters and refills.
        Restrictions:  Worn clothing and bedding.
        Compensation is not payable.

       SOMALI (Democratic Republic)
        Letter Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.

        Dutiable articles  may b:  s'nt  l y letter an ! s m l1 packet  iiost—up  to  S*®*
       l iccn label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CI 3.
        Insurance:  S240.  See also under Parcel Post.
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