Page 227 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 227

post  office  gu  n n    227

                 Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, cant.!.

   SCOTLAND—See Great  Britain
     Letter Post
     Sur.'ace   \
     Air  Mail   / See S.hcdules of Letter Rates.
     Dutiable nrtic'cs may be sent by letter and small packet post—up loSIOD  green
    label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
     Items subject to customs duty arc not admitted in ordinary letters.
     Insurance: No Service.
     Prohibitions  Charged  butane  gas  lighters and  refill; (uncharged  lighters  are
    admitted), alcoholic beverages, medicines unless with prior authority of thc Mini­
    stry  of Public  Health,  Senega'.
     Restrictions: Book' and printed matter in Arabic, gramophone records, drug;.
     Pared Post
     Surface     1
     Air         / See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
     Custom  declarations:  2  form;  CljCPi  a i l  I  despatch  note  CP2.
     Insurance:  No  Services.
     Prohibitions:  Letters;  Uncut  diamonds; counters  resembling  coin;  weights
   and measures  not of the  deeiml  systcii;  a il.  in addition, all goods  bearing
    indications which sugtesl they arc of French origi 1  o-  manufacture  wiieithc/
   are not; medicine; unless with prior authority of the  Ministry cf Public Health.

     Restrictions: Arms,  including air-gun;  books and printed  matter  i.i  Areb e,
   mineral waters;  preserved  plums,  tinned  fish  an I  vegetables,  saccharin  and
   similar substances;  gramophone records, alcoholic  beverages.
     Delivery:  Parcels are not delivered.
     Letter Post
     Surface    l
     Air Mail   /   Sec Schedule; of Letter Rates.
     Dutiable ari. l-s niayl c sent by letter and small packet pest—up to S!0D green
    label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
     Insurance: Lin t S213. Surface and to Victoria. Island of Mahe, only.
     Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refill;  (uneha-ged  lighter;  are
   admitted);  packets of pictorial  postcard  by  printed  papers  post.
     Restrictions: A; for  Parcel Post.
     P  reel Post
     Surface    i
     Air        /  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
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