Page 19 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 19


                  List of Post Offices and  Postal  Agencies, contd.

             Name of Office          Parish        Class of Office

      Pike   ..              .  Manchester       P.A., F.C.
      Pimento Grove           .  Hanover         P.A., F.C.
      Pisgah  ..              .  St. Elizabeth   P.A.
      Platfield               .  St.  Mary       P.A., F.C.
      Pleasant Valley         .  Clarendon       P.A.
      Plowden                 .  Manchester      P.A., T.
      Plum Tree               .  St. James       P.A.
      Point  ..               .  St. James       T„ S.B.
      Point Hill             .  St. Catherine    T„ S.B.
      Port Antonio           .  Portland         T„ S.B.,  M.O.
      Porters Mountain        .  Westmoreland    P.A., F.C.
      Portland Cottage        .  Clarendon       P.A., F.C.
      Port Maria              .  St.  Mary       T„ S.B., M.O.
      Port Morant             .  St. Thomas      T„ S.B.
      Port Royal              .  Port Royal      T., S.B.
      Porus  ..               .  Manchester      T., S.B.
      Pratville               .  Manchester      T., S.B.
      Preston Hill            .  St.  Mary       P.A, F.C.
      Prickley Pole           .  St. Ann         P.A, F.C.
      Priestman’s River       .  Portland        T„ S.B.
      Princess Field          .  St. Catherine   P.A, F.C.
      Prior Park              .  Portland        F.C.
      Priory  ..              .  St. Ann         P.A.
      Progressive             .  St. Andrew      P.A, T.
      Prospect                .  St. Elizabeth   P.A, F.C.
      Queen’s Hill            .  St. Catherine   P.A, F.C.
      Quickstep               .  St. Elizabeth   P.A, F.C.
      Race Course             .  Clarendon       T.. S.B.
      Ramble                  .  Hanover         T , S.B.
      Raymonds                .  Clarendon       P.A.
      Reach  ..               .  Portland         P.A, F.C.
      Reading                 .  St. James       T„ S.B.
      Reckford                .  Clarendon        P.A, F.C.
      Red Bank                .  St. Elizabeth    P.A, F.C.
      Red Ground              .  St. Catherine    P.A.
      Red Hills               .  St. Andrew      T„ S.B.
      Red Valley              .  St. Ann          P.A, F.C.
      Red Wood                .  St. Catherine    F.C, T„ S.B.
      Refuge                  .  Trelawny         P.A.
      Reserve                 .  Trelawny         P.A.
      Resource                .  Manchester       P.A, F.C.
      Retirement              .  St. Elizabeth    P.A, T.
      Retreat                 .  St. Mary         T„ S.B.
      Retrieve                .  Westmoreland     P.A.
      Revival                 .  Westmoreland     P.A, F.C.
      Richards Pen            .  St. Mary         P.A.
      Richmond                .  St.  Mary        T„ S.B.
      Richmond Park           .  Clarendon        F.C , T„ S.B.
      Richmond Vale           .  St. Thomas       P.A, F.C.
      Rio Bueno               .  Trelawny         T„ S.B.
      Rio Grande              .  Portland         P.A.
      Rio Hoe                 .  St. Ann          P.A, F.C.
      Ritchies                .  Clarendon        P.A.
      Riversdale              .  St. Catherine    T„ S.B.
       River Head            ,.  St. Thomas       P.A, F.C.
       Robins Bay            ..  St.  Mary        P.A.
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