Page 17 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 17


                  List of Post Offices and Postal Agencies, contd.

             Name of Office           Parish       Class of Office

      Middlesex               .  St. Elizabeth    P.A., F.C.
      Mike Town               .  Manchester       P.A.,  F.C.
      Mile Gully              .  Manchester       T., S.B.
      Miles Town              .  Hanover          P.A., F.C.
      Milk  River             .  Clarendon        T„ S.B.
      Mitchell’s Hill         .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
      Mitchell Town           .  Clarendon        P.A.,  F.C.
       Mocho                  .  Clarendon        T„ S.B.
       Mollison               .  Manchester       P.A..  F.C.
      Moores                  .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
       Mona                   .  St. Andrew       T., S.B.
       Moneague               .  St. Ann          T., S.B.
       Mongrave               .  St. Catherine    P.A.
       Montego Bay No  1      .  St. James        T„ S.B.,  M.O.
       Montego Bay No 2       .  St. James        T„ S.B., M.O.
       Montpelier             .  St. James        T., S.B.
       Montreal               .  St.  Mary        P.A.
       Moore Town             .  Portland         F.C., T„ S.B.
       Morant Bay             .  St. Thomas      T., S.B., M.O.
       Moravia                .  Clarendon        F.C., P.A.
       Morgan's Forest        .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
       Morgans Pass           .  Clarendon        P.A., T„  F.C.
       Mount Airy             .  Westmoreland     P.A., F.C.
       Mount Edgecombe        .  Westmoreland     P.A.
       Mount Felix            .  St. Thomas       P.A., F.C.
       Mount Horeb            .  St. James        T., S.B.
       Mount Industry         .  St. Catherine    P.A., F.C.
       Mount James            .  St. Andrew       T,.  S.B.
       Mount Lebanus          .  St. Thomas       P.A,. F.C.
       Mount Moreland         .  St. Catherine    P.A.
       Mount Moriah           .  St. Ann          P.A., F.C.
       Mount Peace            .  Hanover          P.A.
       Mount Peto             .  Hanover          F.C.
       Mount Pleasant         .  Portland         P.A., F.C.
       Mount Providence       .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
       Mount Regale           .  St.  Mary        P.A., F.C.
       Mount Rosser           .  St. Catherine    P.A., T., F.C.
       Mount Salem            .  St. James        P.A., T.
       Mount Salus            .  St. Andrew       P.A.
       Mount Vernon           .  St. Thomas       P.A., F.C.
       Mount Waddy            .  St. Ann          P.A., F.C.
       Mount Zion             .  St. Ann          P.A., F.C.
       Mountainside           .  St.  Elizabeth   T„ S.B.
       Mulgrave               .  St. Elizabeth    P.A.
       Munro College          .  St. Elizabeth    T„ S.B.
       Muir House             .  St.  Ann         P.A., F.C.
       Muirton Pen            .  Portland         P.A., T.
       Myers Wharf            .  Kingston         T.
       Myers Ville            .  St. Elizabeth    T„ S.B
       Myrtle Bank            .  Kingston         T.
      Nain                    .  St. Elizabeth    T., S.B.
      Naggo Head              .  St. Catherine    P.S.A.
      Negril                  .  Westmoreland     T„ S.B.
      Negril Spot             .  Westmoreland     P.S.A.
      Newcastle               .  St. Andrew       T., S.B.
      New Forest              .  Manchester       P.A.
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