Page 16 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 16


                List of Post Offices and Postal Agencies, conid.

          Name of Office           Parish        Class of Office

    Linton Park            .  St. Ann          P.A., F.C.
    Lionel Town            .  Clarendon        T., S.B.
    Litchfield             .  Manchester       P.A.
    Little London          .  Westmoreland     T„ S.B.
    Little River           .  St. James        T„ S.B.
    Llandewey              .  St. Thomas       F.C., T„ S.B.
    Lloyds                 .  St. Thomas       P.A., F.C.
    Lluidas Vale           .  St. Catherine    T., S.B.
    Lodge                  .  St. Ann          F.C., T„ S.B.
    Long Bay               .  Portland         T„ S.B.
    Long Look              .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
    Long Road              .  St. Mary         F.C.
    Longwood               .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
    Look Out               .  Portland         P.A., F.C.
    Lorrimers              .  Trelawny         T., S.B.
    Lottery                .  St. James        T„ S.B.
    Lower Cash Hill        .  Hanover          P S A
    Lucea                  .  Hanover          T., S.B., M.O.
    Lucky Hill             .  St.  Mary        T., S.B.
    Lucky Valley           .  St. Catherine    P.A., F.C.
    Lumsden                .  St. Ann          P.A.
    Lydford                .  St. Ann          P.A., T„ S.B.
    Lyssons                .  St. Thomas       P.A., T„
    Macca Tree             .  St. Catherine    P.A., F.C.
    Madras                 .  St. Ann          P.A., F.C.
    Mahaga                 .  St. Elizabeth    P.A., F.C.
    Maggotty               .  St. Elizabeth    T„ S.B.
    Mahoe                  .  Portland         P.A., F.C.
    Maidstone              .  Manchester       T„ S.B.
    Main Ridge             .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
    Malcolm Square         .  St. Elizabeth    P.A.
    Malvern                .  St. Elizabeth    T„ S.B., M.O.
    Manchioncal            .  Portland         T., S.B.
    Mandeville No.  1      .  Manchester       T., S.,B.  M.O.
    Mandeville No. 2       .  Manchester       T„ S.B., M.O.
    Mango Valley           .  St.  Mary        P.A., F.C.
    Marley Hill            .  Manchester       P.A., F.C.
    March Town             .  Hanover          T., S.B.
    Mark Hill              .  St. Catherine    P.A.
    Marlborough            .  St.  Mary        P.A., F.C.
    Maroon Town            .  St. James        T„ S.B.
    Martha Brae            .  Trelawny         P.A., F.C.
    Maryland               .  Hanover          T., S.B.
    Mason Hall             .  St.  Mary        P.A., F.C.
    Mavis Bank             .  St. Andrew       T„ S.B.
    May Day                .  Manchester       P.A.
    May Pen                .  Clarendon        T„ S.B., M.O.
    McField                .  Westmoreland     P.A., F.C.
    McNie                  .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
    Meadow Bridge          .  St. Andrew       T„ S.B., N.O.
    Mears                  .  Clarendon        P.A., F.C.
    Mendez                 .  St. Catherine    P.A.
    Mercury House          .  Kingston         T„ S.B.
    Meylersfield           .  Westmoreland     P.A., F.C.
    Middle Quarters        .  St. Elizabeth    T., S.B.
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