Page 137 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 137

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                                            ffi                          ID
                                            ill  POST-                   ID'

                                            ~MASTERS  ~·
             Don't  let a  cold get
              yoll down - knock it
             out  quickly  with             ID  should                   m
             The common cold is one of
             tnan'l enemies, but
              now, thanks to Medical Science  Alka-Selt:::CT
              snalcuit pou ibleto knock out cofds in" lturry.   ID  REMIND   ID
                          At th e fir-st wnrning sneeze,
                          lust drop two Alkn-Selaer   ~
                          T ablets  into  n  glass  of                   m
                          wotcr.  When  you  drinlc
                          solution,  it goes  to  work  ID  the  Public   m
                          thi9  sparkling,  refreshing
                          on that cold immcdintcly.
                          Its  analgesic  properties
                          quickly neutralize  the ex·
                          cess acid condition which                      ~
                          is so often the reason why   ID  that  all
                          you cotch cold. Don cl«  A
                          cold  make  you  lose  time   ~
                          from  work  or  spoil  your                    w
                          good times.  Get r id  of it
                          · quickly with  Allca..Selacr.   ID  Postal  Packets m
              Millions of people  In  all  -~-....
              parts  o f  the world  use  ~~~'"7
              Alka-Scltzcr for the rcli<f
              of Cold s, Headache., Up•    m             .  .            m
              tset Stomach, HeartburoJ
              Rhcumatisul,  and  Mus ..    m contall1111g                ~
              cular Acheo and  l'ain.s.
              At All Chemist  Shop•.
                                            ~                            ~·
                                            E Value of any  w..
                                           ID  description
                                            m                            ~.
                                           m should be                 .[
             HAND,  ARNOLD  LTD.
                  105  Harbour  St.,       ~ Registered.                 m

                      . Kingston.           m                            ID
            lmulmmllllllmmlmmlnmmlmnllllmmunmmnmllllllllllliifiiiiiiiiiiii. L=&=::::a~~==tdlf
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