Page 134 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 134

•  •  I  Each  a  Leader  I  ill  •
                                  HERE'S THE  NEW  CORONA  ZEPHYR
                                    A  sensational  new  streamlined  designed
                                  portable bacl(ed  by  two  famous  ua.mes-
                                         L. C. Si\11'l'H  & CORONA.
                                    Full sized 4-row  84  character  Stand:ud
                                    AT  A  PRICE  YOU  CAN  AF·FORD

                               The amazing New  L  C  Smith
                                  Super  Speed   ·   ·   ·
                             Used  by  t!Je  British  Ceneml  Posl  Offices  in
                             London  and several Big Ot-ganisations in Jamaica.

                                                    PI L 0 T  dominates  the
                                                        Radio World
                                                    Whether  it's  Europe,
                                                    America,   ;\ sia,   or
                                                    Africa,  or  the  West
                                                    Iuclies, you'll find that
                                                    PILO'l' dominates the
                                                    World's  Radio  Mar·
                                                    kets-the   ptefenecf
                                                    set in 97  countries.
                                                    Batter Sets··- A.C. Sets
                                                    Radiograms--· Car Sets

                 PILOT-The  Standard  of  Existence

                                                 Low  Cost Electricity
                                               will  light  12-25  watt
                                               Lamps  and  charge  your
                                               Auto or Radio Battery.
                                                 Only  Tiny Tim has the
                                               FAMOUS CONTINUAL
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