Page 136 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 136

1  N.  D  E  X.                 133
                                       Page  .                         Page.
            Parcel Post, Oversea, cont.d.   Pupils' exercises         48, 51
               Postage Rates, table of   82-98  Rates of l'ostage on all
               Preferential Tariff   64, 129   classes of Mail:
               Prepayment of Duty        67    Inland                 2, 3, 7
               Prohibited Articles     74-76   Overseas              2,3,79
               Refund of duty            6.'5  Redirection              104
               Undelivered Parcels       69  Refund of duty              65
            Parcels, Inland              10  Registered Letter Envelopes   101
            Passenger fares   ..       39-42  Registration :
            Plants, importation of       76    Inland                    11
            Porterage on Telegrams      105    Overseas                  59
            Post Offices, Hours of business at   7  Reply coupons       101
            Post Offices, List of   ..   18-32  Reply Post Card:
            Postage oo Official registered letters   16   Inland         7
            Postage  Rates on all classes of mail:   Overseas            48
               Inland                     7
               Overseas                  79   Samples (Overseas)       51-52
            Postage Stamps              101   Stamp Vendors             102
              "   Transmission of   12, 58,  66   Single volumes of Books   79
            Postal Orders               100   Size, Limits of See under Letters,
            Post Cards:                       Postcards, etc.:
               Inland                     7   Stamps, Postage           102
               Overseas                  47   Do.  Transmission of    10, 58
            Poste Restante              104   "Small Packets"
            Preferential Duty        64,  129   Local                    10
            Prepayment of Duty           67    Overseas                  57
            Prepayment of postage io money   10   Stationery: Transmission of   10, 50
            Printed Papers:                 Street Letter Boxes         105
               Inland                     8  Telegrams                  105
               Overseas                48-50  Telegraph Money Orders     99
            Private bags and boxes      104  Tuberculozyne               76
            Prohibited Articles:            Typewritten Circulars   9,49 f.o.
               Letter Mail               5S  Undelivered Correspondence   104
               Parcel Mail Export      74-76  Undelivered Parcels (Overseas)  ..   69
                   Do.   lmport          76  Wrappers, Newspaper        101
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141