Page 42 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 42

o v e r s e a   m a i l s :  s m a ll  p a c k e t s.  47
                      IMPORTED  B /  SAMPLE  POST.
      Genuine trade samples of certain  classes of dutiable goods are  allowed to  be imported
     into  the  United  Kingdom  by  sample  post as sp  cifi ,d b slow;
      (a)  Spirits (except Perfumed Spirits) may be imported in packages each not exceeding
     12 ounces gross weight and will be delivered on payment of duty at a flat rate of 3s. 6d.
     each package, provided that  each package is distinctly marked “ Spirit  (not perfumed).”
      (b)  Tea  may  be  imported  in  packages  each  not  exceeding  8  oz.  gross  weight,  and  if
     distinctly marked  “ Tea,”  will be  delivered on  payment  of  duty in accordance with the
     following  scale:—
        (i)  If the weight of the sample is under   1 Free of duty.
           3 oz. gross or 1 oz. net.      j
        (ii)  If the gross weight of the sample is 3 oz.   1 A flat rate of Id. per package,

           or more but does not exceed 8 oz.   J
      (c)  Tobacco.  Type samples  of  unmanufactured  tobacco,  not  cigars,  etc.*  may  be
     imported in packages each not exceeding 6 ounces gross weight  and, if distinctly marked
     “ Type  Samples  of  unmanufactured  tobacco,”  will  be  delivered  on  payment  of  duty  at
     the flat rate of 3s. Od. each package.
      (d)  Wine  may  be  imported  in  packages  each  not  exceeding  12  ounces  gross  weight,
     and  such  packages  will,  if  distinctly  marked  “ Wine,”  be  delivered  free  of  duty.
      (e)  Raw  Chicory,  Raw  Cocoa,  Raw  Coffee,  Dried  Fruit,  Sugar  and  Sugar  Confectionery
     may  be  imported  in  quantities  not  exceeding  J  lb.  net  weight  per  package,  and  such
     packages,  will,  if distinctly marked with  a description  of the contents,  be delivered  free
    of duty.
      It should be  noted  that if the specified lim its of weight  are  exceeded,  or
     the packets do  not bear the required statem en ts  as to  their  contents  the
    goods are  liable  to forfeiture  to the custom s.
                             AND  SAMPLES.
      It is permissible to enclose in the same packet printed matter, except literature for the
    blind,  commercial papers and  samples,  provided that  each  article taken singly is within
    the limits applicable to it as regards weight and size,  and that the total weight does not
    exceed  five  pounds  if the  packet  is  addressed  to  a  place  in  the  British  Empire, or four
    pounds six ounces, if addressed to  a foreign  country.
      The minimum charge for such a packet is 2Jd. if it contains commercial papers, and Id.
    if it consists of printed matter and samples.
                            (f)  Small  Packets.
      Definition and rate:
      The  Small  Packet  Post  is  specially  provided  for  the  transmission  of  goods,  whether
    duitable or not, in  the same mails as printed papers,which as a rule travel more quickly
    than the parcel mails.
      The  prepaid  rate is  Id.  per  two  ounces  with  a  minimum  charge  of  5d.
      The limits of size are three feet in length, breadth and depth combined, but the greatest
    dimension  may  not  exceed  two  feet.  For  packets in  the  form  of  a roll  the length  and
    twice the  diameter  combined  may  not  exceed  three  feet  three  inches,  nor  the  greatest
    dimension  two  feet  eight  inches.
      The limit of weight is two pounds.
      Mode of packing and address:
      Small  packets  must  be  sent  in  such  a  manner  as  to  be  easy  of  examination.  The
    sender is required to show his name and address on the outside of the packet,  and he is
    recommended  to  mark  the  packet  conspicuously  Small  Packet in  the  top  left-hand
      Articles likely to cause injury to officers of the Post Office  or to  damage  other  postal
    packets  must be packed in  accordance with the regulations  at page
      Small packets may be posted in a posting box or handed over the counter.  They may
    be  registered  but  not insured.
      *Cigars  and  cigarettes  may  only  be  sent  to  Great  Britain  by  parcel-post  or  “ small
         packets”  mail,  but  not  by  letter  or  sample  mail.
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