Page 40 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 40

OVERSEA  MAILS:  SAMPLES.                45
        Packets of  commercial papers should be clearij^  marked in  the upper left-hand  corner
        Commercial Papers.  They are subject to examination in the post,  and  must be made
       up in such a way that they can be easily examined.  They may be placed in a wrapper,
       upon a roller, between boards, in an open case, or in an unclosed envelope furnished with
       a  blunt fastening  easy  to  raise  and replace;  or they  may be secured  with  a  string  easy
       to  untie.
        In view of the risk of other packets being entrapped when open covers are used, posters
       are  reminded  that  embarrassing  packets  generally  are  prohibited  from  the  post.
        In order to secure the return of a packet which cannot be delivered, the name and address
       of the sender should be printed or written outside.
            Bills of Lading                Open  letters  and  postcards  which
            Copies of or extracts from deeds under   are  out  of  date  and  have  already
             private seal  written  on  stamped  or   fulfilled their  original purpose,  and
             unstamped paper                 copies  thereof
            Documents of all kinds drawn up by   Papers of legal procedure
             public functionaries          Pupils’  exercises  in  original  or  with
            Invoices                         corrections,  but  without  any  note
            Manuscript of works or of newspapers   which  does  not  relate  directly  to
              forwarded  separately          the  execution  of  the  work
            Musical  scores  or  sheets  of  music  in   Receipts
              manuscript                   Statements  of  Accounts
                                           Way  Bills.
         Documents  may  be  accompanied  by  reference  slips  showing  the  following  or  similar
       particulars:  a  list  of  the  papers  included  in  the  packet,  references  to  correspondence
       exchanged  between  the  sender  and  the  addressee
                           INADMISSIBLE  ARTICLES.
         Postage  stamps  or  forms  of  prepayment,  whether  obliterated  or  not,  or  any  paper
       representing  a  monetary  value,  are  inadmissible;  but  out-of-date  correspondence  may
       bear cancelled postage stamps which served to prepay  the original postage.
                                 (e)  Sam ples.
         Rate of Postage:
         The  prepaid rate is:
                      4 or,.                Id.
                      Each additional 2 or,.   §d.
         Weight and size:
         The limits of weight and size are:
                               Maximum               Maximum
                                W eight.              Size.
           British Empire and Egypt   5 tbs.   2  feet in  length and  1  foot  in breadth or
           Other Countries      lib . 2oz.   3  feet  in  length,  breadth  and  depth
                                           combined; maximum dimension in any
                                           one  direction  2  feet.
         For  packets in  the form  of  a  roll  the  length  and  twice  the  diameter must not  exceed
        three feet three inches, and the greatest dimension must not exceed two feet eight inches.
         The  use of the sample  post is restricted to  genuine  trade samples  or  patterns of mer­
        chandise  without  saleable  value.  Exceptionally,  the  following  articles  are  regarded  as
        eligible for transmission by sample post:
         Printers’ blocks, keys sent singly, fresh cut flowers,  articles of natural history (dried or
              preserved  animals  or  plants,  geological  specimens,  and  so  on),  tubes  of  serum
              and  vaccine,  and  pathological objects  rendered innocuous  by  the  mode  of
              preparation  and  packing.
         These  articles,  except  tubes  of  serum  and  vaccine  sent  in  the  general  interest  by
        laboratories or institutions officially recognised, may not be sent for a commercial purpose.
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