Page 20 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 20


                                                            INLAND  MAILS.
                                                    DAYS  AND  HOURS  OF  POSTING  AND  ARRIVAL.
                                                       Explanation of Marks of Reference.
                     t.—Telegraph Offices.  tel.— 'Telephone Offices.  Ry. t.—Railway Telegraph Offices.
             All  Offices  transact  parcel  post  business,  but  parcels  addressed  to  those  offices  marked  “ l ” ,  which  are  served  by  foot-couriers,  are
                occasionally subject to delay.
             Registered letters for offices for which the mail closes at 6.30  a.m. must be posted  not  later than 4  p.m.  on the previous day.
             Offices printed, in S m a l l   C a p i t a l s   are branches of the Government Savings  Bank.
                                                  Close at G P.  0 . Daily.
                                             Miles from   Letters.  Parcel-post.  D.  P.O.  D. P.  0.  G. P.  0.  (via)
                    Office.        Parish.     Kingsto:  Ordinary  letters, Prints   Arrive at   Leave   Arrive at   Routing

             Aberdeen, l.       St. Eliz.     81  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  5.15 p.m.  8.00  a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Siloah    I NLA NT)
             Above Rocks, tel. 1.   St.  Cath.  18  10.30 a.m.  10.00 a m.  4.20 p.m.  7.30  a.m.  1.00 p.m.  Stony Hill
             A delphi,  tel. 1.  St. James   120  1  30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  11.20 a.m.  2.30 p.m.  9.10 a.m.  Montego Bay and
              Aenon Town        Clarendon     72  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   4.50 p.m.   7.45  a.m.   1.55 p.m.   Shooters Hill   MAILS.
                                                  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.*  7.40 a.m.  4.55 p.m.  9.10 a.m.  Brown’s Town and
              Airy Castle       St. Thomas  . .  42  1.00 p.m.  12.30 p.m.  4.35 p.m.  5.30  a.m.  8.25 a.m.
          i^ O Albany, Ry. t.   St. Mary      42  1.30 p.m.  1.00  p.m.  5.05 p.m.  8.00  a.m.   10.50  a.m.
                                                                                  4.30 p.m.  8.25 a.m.  Pt. Antonio(by van)
          'S O  A lbert T o w n , tel.  Trelawnv  103  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  5.05 p.m.  7.30  a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Balaclava
              Alderton, l.      St. Ann       51  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  7.25 a.m.  4.15 p.m.  9 .10  a.m.
           9   A lex an dr ia,  l.  do.       76  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  5.55 p.m.  6.40 a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Shooters Hill
                                                  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  6.35 a.m.  6.00  p.m.  9 .10 a.m.  Brown’s Town and
          m O  A lley,  tel. 1.  Clarendon    47  6.30 a.m.            10.35 a.m.  5.25 a.m.  9.10 a.m.  May Pen
                                                                                                     Cross Keys
  iLLMAVv  IOb^jc£>A!!igator Pond, tel. 1.   Manchester  . .  79  10.00  a.m.  9.45 a.m.  6.55 P.m.  5.15 a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Shooters Hill
              A lston,  tel.    Clarendon     68  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  4.15 p.m.  8.20  a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Brown’s Town and
                                                  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.*  8.15 a.m.  4.20  p.m.  9.10  a.m.
          IOjOAnchovy, tel.     St. James   1054  10.00 am..  9.45 a.m.  5 .10 p.m.  7.30 a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Montego Bay and
                                                  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.*  8.25 a.m.  4.45 p.m.  9 .10 a.m.

             A nnotto B a y ,  t.  St.  Mary  50  1 1.30 p.j  1.00 p.m.  5.50  p.m.  7.00  a.m.  10.50 a.m.

                                                                                 4.50 p.m.  8.2a a.m.  Port Antonio (by
             A skenish,  l.    Hanover      144  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  8.10 a m.                     van)
             Auehtembeddie     Manchester  .    10.00 a m.  9.45 a m.            4  00 p.m.  1.55 p.m.  Luc  a
         IZ^OBalaclava,  t.    St. El zabHh  71  10.00 a m.   9.45 a.m.  3.35 p.m.   9.00 a.m.  1.55  p.m.  Balaclava
                                                                       3.05 p.m.
                                               | 1.30 p.m.  1.00 p m *  10.10 a m.  9.50 a m.  1.55 p.m.  Mont >go Bay and

                                                                                 2.00 p.m.
                                                                                            9.10 a m.
            Balcarres, tel. 1.   Portland   45   1.30 p.m.  1.00 p m.  10.05 a.m.  3  10 p.m.         Ewarton
            Bamboo,  tel. 1.   St. Ann      59  !  1.30 pm.  1.00 p m.  7.10 a m.  3.50 p.m.  10.50 a m.  Buff Bay
                                                                                                     Brown’s Town and
                                                                                           9.10 a m.
            Banana Ground, l.   Manchester   57 5   10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  3.40 p.m.   9  20  a.m.    Ewarton
            Bangor Ridge, l.   Portland      48   1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  11.45 a.m.  1.35 p.m.  1.55 p.m.  Willi amsfield
            Bartons, l.        St.  Cath.   30   10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.   3.45 p.m.  8.00 a.m.   10.50 a.m.  Buff Bay
        I? 0 0  B a t h , tel.  St. Thomas   41   1.00 p.m.  12.30 p.ra.  4.55 p.m.        1.55 p.m.   Old Harbour
            Beckford Kraal,  tel.  1.   Clarendon  51   6.30 a.m.      1.00 p.m.  5.15 a.m.  8.25 a.m.  Chapelton
                                                                                 4.20 p.m.
            Beeston Spring, l.  W ’moreland  116  / 10.00  a.m.  9.45  a.m.   11.10  a.m..   12.50 p.m.   9.10 a.m.
                                                                                           1.55  p.m.
                                                I   M .,W .  &  F.     T. Th.  S.  T.  Th.  S.  M., W.,  F.  Whitehouse
                                                /  3.30 p.m.  3.00 p.m.|   11.10 a.m.   12.50 p.m.   9.10 a.m.       >■
                                                \  Tues.,  Th urs.  and  Sat.  M., W.,  F.  M., W., F.  T.,  Th.,  S.  O
            B elpield, tel. 1.   St.  Mary   421  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  7.00 p.m.   5.40  a.m.      Highgate
            B ellas  G a te,  l.   St. Cath.  34  10.00 a.m.                               10.50 a.m.
  6ENBCU)                                                  9.45 a.m.   4.30 p.m.   7.30  a.m.  1.55 p.m.  Old  Harbour
            Bensonton, tel. 1.  St. Ann     58  /  6.30 a.m.           4.20 p.m.                    Kellits & Ewarton
            StFP'if Hilt                        (1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  9.45 a.m.                                     05
        k\CjO B ethel T o w n,  tel l.   W ’xnoreland  .   110  10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.  7.25 p.m.  1.55 p.m.   9.10 a.m.  Claremont
                                                                                 5.25 a.m.
                                                                                           1.55 p.m.
            B lack  R iv e r,  t.  St. Elizabeth  98  10.00  a.m.  9.45 am.  5.55 p.m.  7.00 a.m.   1.55 p.m.  Maggotty (daily)
                                            104  / 3.30 p.m.  3.00 p.m.f   12.10 a.m.   4. .50 p.m.  9.10 a.m.   WilUamsfieid
                                                \  Tues., Th urs. and Sat.  M., W., F.  M „ .  W., F.   T., Th., S.
  &UV !  :   B lackstonedge,  tel. 1.  St. Ann   40  1.30 p.m.  1.00 p.m.  5.35 p.m.  7. .45 a.m.  10.59 a.m.  Linstead
        9   Bluenelds, tel.    W ’moreland  118  / 10.00 a.m.  9.45 a.m.   8.25 a.m.   3.  1.55  p.m.  '  \ Sav.-la-Mar
                                                                                 - .00 p.m.
                                                \   Mon.,  W ed. & Friday  T., Th. &  S. T., Th. & S.  M., W. & F.  j  j  and Montpelier
                                               j  3.30 p.m.  3.00 p.m4   7.45 a.m.   2.45 p.m.  9.10 a.m.   1 Black River and

                                                \   Tues. Th urs. & Sat.  M., W. &  F.  M. , W. &  F. T. Th. & S.  I Wiliiamsfield
            B o g  W a l k ,  t.  St. Cath.  20 J  6.30 a.m.           8.50 a.m.  7.20 a.m.  9.10 a.m.
            66                                                                   9.30 a.m.  10.50 am.
                                                 1.30  p.m.  | 1.00 p.m.  3.50  p.m.  4.50  p.m.   6.30 p.m.

            Bonny Gate, lei.  1.   ..  St. Mary  55  1.30 p.m.  1 1.00 p.m.  8.55 a.m.  JLOO p.m.  10.50 a.m.  Port Maria
                 *Prints only.
                 fParcel-post mail is not dispatched by this route.   J Parcel-post mail closes  at 9.45 a.m.
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