Page 16 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 16

          Government Printer              Secretary of Central Supplementary Allow­
          Harbour  Master                   ances Committee
          Headmaster Cornwall College, Montego Bay  Secretary of Institute of Jamaica f
          Headmaster Kingston Technical and  Con­  Secretary of Jam. Agricultural Societv t
           tinuation School               Secretary of Kingston Athenaeum f
          H. M.’s Trade Commissioner      Secretary of Marine Board
          Inmates of the Lepers’  Home    Secretary of Mico Training College
          Inspector Hookworm Campaign     Secretary of Public Tenders Committee
          Manager, Carron Hali Practical Training   Secretary of Schools Commission
           Centra                         Secretary of Sugar Industry Aid Board
          Matron, Rio Cobre Home          Secretary Tourist Trade Development
          Mico Training College, Principal and Secy.   Board
          Nominated Members, Legislative Council*   Secretary of Vere Irrigation
          Officer in charge of Low Temperature and   Superintendent of General Penitentiary
           Marketing Experimental Station   Sup. rinUndent,  Holm wood Practical
          Officer Commanding Jam. Militia Artillery   Training C: ntre
          Passport and Permit Officer     Superintendent of Industrial School
          Principal of Mico Training College   Superintendent of Machinery, P.W.  Dept.
          Principal of Shortwood Training College   Superintendent of Public Gardens
          Registrar of the Supreme Court   Superintendent of St. Catherine District
          Registrar of Titles              Prison
          Secretary of Board of Directors, Shortwooi  Superintendent of Stores, P.W. Department
           Training College               Superintending Inspector,  Hookworm
          Secretary of Board of Education   Campaign
          Secretary of Board of Supervision   Tcrritor al  Commander  of Salvation Army
          Secretary of Cambridge Local Examinations  (for School for the Bi nd)

                                   Special  Regulations.
           The following are permitted to pass through the Post Office free of postage:—
            1.  Printed notices (“ consignee’s undelivered goods”), posted in open official envelopes
          by  railway  station  agents,  and  bearing  the  stamp  “ Jamaica  Government  Railway”  or
          “ Jamaica  Railway  Company.”
           2.  Letters  headed  “ Infectious  Diseases  Notification,”  bearing  the  signature  of  the
          medical practitioner and addressed to a  Medical  Officer of Health or the  Central Board
          of  Health or a  Local Board of Health.
           3.  Packets  addressed  to  Mrs.  Bourne,  Medical  Office,  Kingston.
           4.  Parcels  containing  artificial  limbs sent  by ex-service men of the B.W.I.R., addressed
          to  the  military  authorities  at  Up-Park-Camp  or  to  the  Technical  School,  Hanover
          Street,  Kingston.
           5.  Reading  matter  for  the  blind  printed  in  Braille  or  similar  script,  posted  by  the
          Territorial  Commander  of the  Salvation Army,  on  the  following  conditions:—
             (a)  The  cover  of  each  such  packet  to  bear  the  signature  and  designation  of  the
                Territorial Commander.
             (b)  To be endorsed  “ Literature for the Blind. ”
             (c)  E ' eh packet of such literature to be returned to Kingston to bear a label addressed
                “ The  Territorial  Commander,  Salvation  Army,  Kingston,”   duly  signed  and
                endorsed  as  above.
           Letters addressed to places abroad cannot be franked but should be prepaid.
            * Elected  and  nominated  members  of  the  Legislative  Council  have  the  privilege of
          franking letters relating to public business which they may write in their official capacity
          as  members  of  the  Council  and  sending  them  through  the  post  free  of  charge,  their
          signatures and offic'al designat on to be placed on the envelope.
            t  Franked  labels are sent  out with each  packet of book? to enable them  to be returned
          through  the post  free of charge.
            t  The  Secretary  of the Agricultural Society may  issue franked envelopes or  coverings
          addressed to himself.
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