Page 17 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 17


                   Rules  regarding  Franking  of Official  Correspondence.
       1.  The envelope or cover of the official letter or other packet may  be “ franked” under
      authority  of  His  Excellency  the  Governor  in  either  of  the  following  ways—(a)  By  the
      impression of an appr, ved official frank stamp;  (b)  by the signature and official designa­
      tion of the  Head  of the  Department,  or other duly authorised  officer or functionary  on
      the  lower  left  hand  corner  of  the  envelope  or  cover.  The  envelope  or  cover  must  be
      superscribed  with  the  words  “ On  His  Majesty’s  Service.”
       2.  The  envelope  or  cover  must  be  addressed  to  the  head  of  the  department  or  to  a
      public  officer  or  functionary  who  is  entitled  by  the  authority  of  His  Excellency  the
      Governor to  receive  official  correspondence  free of charge for postage.
       3.  No  public  officer  will  be  permitted  to  make use of any stamp  for franking letters
      or to  frank letters without  the authority of the  Governor.
       4.  Heads  of  Departments and  all  postmasters  must exercise vigilance  to prevent  any abuse
     of  the  franking  privilege,  and  any  evasion  or  attempt  to  abuse the  privilege,  and  any de­
     parture  from  the rules  must  be  reported,  with  full  particulars, to the  Colonial  Secretary or to
     the  Postmaster for Jamaica.
       5.  The franking of envelopes, etc., either by means of the franking stamp or by signature,
      is strictly forbidden,  unless the envelopes contain at the time of franking the official cor­
     respondence  or  matter  to  be  transmitted  through  the  post,  subject  to  the  following
     exception, namely—
       That any written or printed matter properly issued in a franked envelope or covering
     for circulation among  members of a  board  or any  body of individuals,  and  for ultimate
     return  to the office of issue,  may  be  passed from one  member of such board or  body  to
     another in an envelope or covering provided for the purpose and duly franked in advance
     by  a  duly authorised  officer.
       N.B.—All  registered  letters,  posted  by  the  public  and  not franked  as  above  described
     addressed  to  the  officials  named  above  in  both  lists  A  and  B,  must  be  prepaid  with  the
     registration fee of two pence,  with the exception of registered letters addressed to  the  Manager
     of  the  Covernment  Savings  Bank,  Collectors  and  Assistant  Collectors of Taxes, and Chair­
     man,  Banana  Industry  Aid  Board  which  are  wholly  postage free.
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