Page 16 - Jamaica PO Guide 1937
P. 16

APPENDIX  A.-Conul.                                      c.

               Ste:unsbips L'n~s.   Ports of Call.     Mails  conveyed.       Time io T ransit.   Periodicity
                                                                                                of Service.
             I!  United  Fruit Co.  . .  3eliz~, Pt!erto lhrrio~   Letter  3nd oarcel  rll'tils for British n on-  I  day 22hours >0  Belize   Weekly (Friday)
                                                 dur3s,  Rep.  of  Hondur!ls,  El  ::bh·!J.- 2 d:tys  IS hrs. to Barrios
                                                 uo" and Guat:l!nat:.
                                 - -------------------                     --- - ----·------
             12     o,,,     ·:'ristob.'"l!.  Limon,   L•.>ltcr  :~nd I>'JtCPI  m:tils ior l';an:d Zone,  1 day 6 hro.lo Cristobal   Weekly {Wednesday}
                              H:>b.ona           P~ 11.~rn~t . Dr.Ih·i:t. Chili, l,;eu.Hfnr, Peru,  ~ d:ty.s  6  hr5.  to Limun
                                                 Cost:1 Rica; parcel mails for  Nicara~u" j 7 days 6 hrs. to Habana
                                                 and  Vene1ueb,  and  letter  mails  for
                                                 Cubo,  West  Coost  of  Nicarogua, ,
                                                 Ausfr;liiu,  ~cw Zealand;  and  West
                                                 Indi!!. Islands (every other Wednesday
                                                 if connexion can be made at Cristobal.) I
             ---------1                                                   ------- - ------
             t:l     Do.   . .  Cristobnl.  C:Jrt~gcn:l, Pto.  ; Letter  and parcel mails for Cl nal Zone, /1 day  IS hrs. to Cristobal l Weekly (Thursday)
                            I  Colombil\,  Sant::>.  :>.lurb   P:~n:tm!l. Bolivia. Cbili, Ee.uador. Peru,  3 dnys H  hrs. to CartaJ':Pn~
                                                 Cost:\ Rico, p:1rcel nmils for  Nic1r~gua  ·I days l-1  hrs. toP. Colom- •
                                                 and  Venezuela,  and  letter  moils  £or   bb
                                                 C<J!nmbia,  West Coast o£ Nicn.,gun, ~ 5 d;~ys l4lus. to Santa.
                                                1   Australia,  New  Zealand;  and  West   Marts.
                                                 l!!dia  Islands (every other Thursday i£
                                                 connexion can be made at Cristobal.}   1
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