Page 14 - Jamaica PO Guide 1937
P. 14

                                P rtt~CIP.\ L  S·rEAMSHrP  coK~ P: XI Dl\"S  nt~TWF.E:-.l  .:-\~tAIC.\  A.'."n  Cot.:.\'Ttt:~s  .\ B n OA D.
             ---------;-- ---- -----;--------·--·--·
                                 P0rts of Call.                               Time in  l  r:1 r.sit.   Peri,dici t v
                                                                                                 of  Scn·icC.
             1  Aluminuro Line  . .  Bridgetowo,  Port  of Spain, I Letter  and  parcel  mails  for T_rinidnd,  9 days to Bridget?wil,  10   Fortnightly
                              Gcorgetown         ll:o rb,;dos.  L~'"'':tnl  :Htd  \\ tndw:..rd   days to  Port  ot  Sp·ttn. l  (Tuesday)
                                                 Ishnds and the Guinnns     13 days to Georgetoll'D
            ---------- -----·------!--- __ _ _____________ ' _ __ _
             2  Ca•1:dhn Xat.ion~l  ' n~iize    Letter  :;nd  parcel  m:tils  ft.r  flriti>h  3 dnys   Fo> rtni~htly
               ';tcc:mship                       fi<•Ild:trns.  Rep.  of  Honduras.  El  _____________ _ -F··riday-) _  ---
                                                 Snh·ndor and Guaten:>b.
             - ·--------- - ------- ---·--------------------
             3      Do.      Nassau, Ha milton,  ;\lontrcal  L~ttcr  and  pa rcel  mails  !"  ~ass:~u .  3 d:ws to  ::\:~s~:1U   Weekly (Wednesday)
                                                 Bermuda, and  parcel  m~il  to  Can"d:l  7  u:.}·s to Ha milton   for  Montreal, calling
                                                                            !4 days to :\Ioutreal   fortnightly  at  N as-
                                                                                               ssu  and  Bermuda
                                                                                             I  (Summer  Service.)
                                                                                     - --- --------
                    Do.      Nassau, Hamilton. Halifsx   As above                             Weekly (Tuesday or.
                                                                                               Wednesday)  for
                                                                                               Halifax cnlling fort-
                                                                                               nightly  at  Nassau
                                                                                               and  Bermuda
                                                                                               (Winter Service.)
             5 co7.:~bi~~ Line-.-. P ort-au-Prince, New Yo.;kL~ti'::cc);ni~n.i?:d ~~~~~s (~'\ X.~~~;;~~: 114 hrs.  to  Port-au-Prince I
                                                 Grc:.t  Brttam,  Europe,  West.  Asta,  4  d:.ys  H  hrs.  to  N~w Weekly (Wednesday)
                                                 Africa,  Cnnorh,  !\lexico,  Venezuela, I  York
                                                 Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paragu!'ly,
                                                 East.  Coast  of  Nicaragua,  China,
                                                  Japan,  etc,  {vin  New  York.)
                                                 Parcel  Mail for Haiti and United Stat-es
                                                  of Americn
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