Page 15 - Jamaica PO Guide 1937
P. 15

APPENDJX  A .-Co11td.
                                PmsctPAL  STEA)I SI!IP  co~>sExtoss  BETWEE:<  J.,~I.\IC.\  .\SD  Cot.;:>TIUES  Auno.,o.

              Stc:tmsbip Lines.   Ports of Call.       :\!ails ccnvcycd.      T ime in Tr;1 o.~it.   Periodicity
                                                                                                 of Service.
            G Colombinn Line   Puerto C'..olombia, C3rln·   1Letter :nail for Colombia.   I d~y :o  Pro. Colornbi:t   Weekly ('Iue>duy)
                           ,  gena                                         2 d:<ys  to  C.trtn;;cu:>
           ------ -----------,-------------------·--
            7  Elders 3nd FyiTcs . .  Li\"Crpool   · ·1 Lctt~r. :tnd  p:m :cl  rn:tils  for  Gr('aL  13 d.tys   Fortni~bth·
                                                 Bn:ntn,  Europe. etc.                         (Tucstiu~)
           - ----- ---1·- -----·- ---- --- - ---- -              - -------          -------- ---------
            8  Elders nnd  Fyffrs . .  1\ristol   . .  I.~tter and  p:~rcel  m:tils  for  Gr~:ll  . .  12~ d!lys   Fortnightly
                                                Britnin,  Europe,  etc.                        (Tucsd!\y)
           - -- -------------·- - --- ---- ---- - ·----------------
            9  St11nd:1rd Fruit   Garston or A vonroouth   . . I Letter nnd l'o.rr.el m:tils for Grc:\t   12 days   Fortnig  tly (Tucsdny)
              and Stcnrusbip Co.                 B•""'· E"""'• ,,,_
           - ----·----·-- - ---------
           10  United  Fruit Co . .  i  :\ew York   Letter  mails  for  t"nited  Stutes  of  I d~y.:~ :!1 hours   \\"ct'kly (Frid.1y)
                                                 America,  Grc:tt  Driuio,  Europe.
                                                 \'I.-est  Asin,  Africa,  Cun:td:t,  i\lc,ico,
                                                 Veoezuelu, Brazil, Ar:;entioa, l"rugu:ty,
                                                P:m•gu><y, E:tst  Co!!St  of  :\ ic:~r~gu:1,
                                                Chica.  Jnp:tn,  etc.,  l':trcel  M:1il  for
                                                 tioited  Sts.te~ oi Americtt.
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16