Page 13 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 13

10               INLA:\'1)  MAILS :  ltEOIS'l'RATIOK.
               is insufficient .  They  mu~t not  contniu  any letter  or cummunicfLtion  of lhe nature  of  s
               letter  nor nnyl bing  that ma.y inj11re the o.fficers of the Post O.fficc or the content~ of the mail
                If any letter or communication of I he nature of a letter be found in >I newspuper circular,
               book packet  or  parcel,  the entire packet  will  be surcharged  at the  unpaid letter  rate of
                "Blind  Liter4\ture."- Packets  containing  papers  impressed  for  the  use  of  the
               blind muy  be sent at the  following special mte:- up to 2 lbs., td.; 5 lbs., ld.;  !bs. l.}d .;
               11  J!J,., 2d.  See  also  page  14.
                               (G) QEGIS f QATION  (I nland ) .  •
                Any  letter or other  mail  matter may be  registered  on  prepay~ent of the  registration
               fee  and  postage.  Packets  conlaining  money  and  jewellery  t must  be  1'egislered  and
               must Le prepaid at the let/er rate of postage.  Any packet found to contain money or jewellery
               but  not  registered,  will be liable to n  surcharge equal f·o double  the registration fee.
                A letter must not  be accepted  for  registral ion unless it is in 7Je>jeet  orde1'.  A registered
               letter  fastened  with  gummed  paper  can  only  be  accepted if  the  sender  signs his  name
               across  the slip  of gummed pnper.                       ·
                                        1.- •'EES.
                The  fees  for  Inland  Registration  payahle  over  and  above  the  postage,  and  the
               respective  limits  of  compens~tion, a rc as  follows :-
                          Table  of Inland (1)  Registration  Fees.
                 Fee.    Limit of Cornprnsatjon.   FeP.   Limit of Compensation.
               - ------:----- - ------ --- - - ---------·-----
                  2d.            £  2          Sd.            £60
                  3d.            £10           9d             £70
                   4d.           £20           lOd            £80
                  5d             £30           lld. l         £90
                   6d.           £60         Is.  Od.        £100
                  7d .           £50
                             These  fees  relate  to  Inland  Post  only
                Theoe  fees  include  the  ordinary  regi~tration fee}of  2d.  The  highest  111mount  oi
               comrensation obtainable for  any  on e  packet is £ 100.
                                  Il.  COMPENSA'lION  }'OR  LOSS.
                1.  T he Postmaster for Jamaica is not legally liable for any loss or inconvenience which
               may arise from the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, or mis-delivery of anything sent by
               post, and he does not, in any circumstances, pay compensation  in  respect  0 f unregistered
               letters,  post  cards,  printed  matter,  packets,  newspapers  or local parcels.  But  subject
               to  the rules stated  below,  he  pays compensation  voluntarily and  as an  act of grace  in
               those cases and in those cases only in which there has been a  total loss of the contents of
               correspondence  of the following descriptions not being  loss due  to  breakage  or· damage.
                2.  No  compensation  is  given  in  respect  of correspondence compulsorily registered.
                3.  Compensation in respect of money of any  kind (coin, notes, orders, cheques, stamps,
               &c.)  will only  be given in those cases in which the money is enclosed in one of the regis-
               tered  letter envelopes sold  by  tile Post Office and the packet is tendered for transmissioR
               by  registered  letter  post.  The  compensation  given  in  respect  of  coin,  which should
               be packed in such a way that it  cannot move about, will in no case exceed £2.   -
                _4.  It must appear that the loss occurred in the post, and did not arise wholly or in part
               by the fault  of the sender, as, for instance, from inadequate fastening.   .   .
                5. The compensation  given  will not e~ceed the value of the article lost.  The r•ght n
               reserved  of re-instating the contents of an envelope  instead of giving pecuniary  compen·
                •  Conditions  governing  registration  of  inland  correspondence  differ  from  those
               governing overseas correspondence.  See  page  40.
                t  For full definition of "money"  and  " jewellery,"  see page 11, par. 12.
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