Page 16 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 16


                                                     iNLAND  MAIL':>.
                                              DAYS  A~'D JJOURS OF POSTING  AND ARRIVAL.
                  .                               E:~:p/4natwn of Mark•  >! Rcjerenu.
               a.- Registered Letters, Parcels, Newspapers, Books, &c., must be posted  c.-Newspapers, Books, &c., mlUt be posted at 2.15 p.m. aoJ
                     at 9.15 a.m.   .                            Registered  Letters at 2.30 p.m.  Parcels at 3 p. m.
               b.-Newspapers, Books,  &c.,  must  be posted at 12.15  p.m. and   !.-Telegraph Offices.  tel.-Telephone.
                     Registered letters and parcels 12.30 p.m.   Ry . I.- Railway Tblegraph Offices.
                            All offices transact parcel post business, but parcels addressed to those offices marked ''r'  are occasionally subject to delav.
                     Registered letters for offices for which the mail closes at 6 30 a m  must be posted not later  than 4  pm  on the  previous day
                                        ~ ~~   Post at Kingston.   Arrive at D.P.O.   Leave D.P.O. for   Arrive at Kingston.
                                                              from Kingston.
                   Office.     Parish.             l          lllon.,   Tues.,   Mon.,   Tues.,   :\loo.,   Tues.,
                                        ~~          Tues., Thurs.   Wed.   Thurs.,   Wed.   l'hurs   Wed.   Thurs.   ~
                                        ~ .:! 1\fon., Wed.
                                        ~ i::l   and Fri.   and Sat.   and Fri   aod Sat.  and Fri.   and Sat.   and Fri.  and Sat.   0  t/l
                                          1                                                              >-3
               Above Ro~ks, I.   ..  St. Catherinc   18  10.30a.m. a  10.30 a.m.a  4 .15 p.m.  4. 15 p m.  i  .30 n.m.  7.30 n.m.  12.45 p.m.  12.45 pm.  .,
               Adelphi, tel. l.   ..  St. Jarnes   . . 120  1.10 p.m  ~  1.00 p.m.  b  11.20 IL.m.  11.20a.m .  2 .50 p.m.  2.50 p.m.  \"1.15  .. m.  9.15 a.m.   0
               Albany, Ry. t.   St. Mary   ..  42  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  4.50 p.m  4.50 p.m. ... m.  8 .30 a.m.  11.40 a m.  11.40 a. m.   t'.l
               Albert Town, tel. ! . ..  Trelawny   . . 103  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  7 .00 a.m   7.00 a.m .  1.00 p.m.  4.00 p.m.  9. 15n.m.  9.15 a.m.  -
               Aldcrton, l.   ..  St. Ann   ..  51  1.00 p.m. b   1.00 p.m. b  7 .20 n.rn  7.20n.m.  4.20 p.m.  4.20 p.m.  9 .15 am.  9.15 n.m.   ;;::
               Ale><andria, I.   ..   do   ..   76  L OO p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  1.45 n.m.  1.45a.m.  8.30 p.m.  8.30 p.m.  9 .15a.m.  9.15 a.m.   0
               Alley, tel.   ..  Clarcndon   ..  47  6.30 tun.   6.30 a m.   10  '15n.m.  10.5a.m.  5.25 n.m.  5.25 a. m.  9 .15 a. m.  9.15 a.m.
               Alligator Pond, I.  ..  Manchester   ..  79  9.30 n.m. a  3. 15 p.m. c  9.05 n.m.  9.05 a.m.  3.00 p.m.  3.00 p.m.  3.20 p.m.  9.15 a.m.   ""
               Alston, I.   ..  Clarendon   ..  68  9.30 a.m. a  9.30  a.m.a  5.15 p.m.  5.15 p.m  5. 20 p.m.  5.20 p.m.  9. 15 a m.  9.15 a.m.   0  1'1
               Anchovy, tel.   .. St. Jumcs   . .  105~ 9.30 a.rn. a  9 .30a.m.a  !;  ~ii p.rn.  5.35 p.m .  7.30 a.m.  7.30 a.m.  3.20 p.m.  3.20 p.m.
             '- An not to Bay, t.  ..  St. Mary   50  l.OOp.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  5.35 p.m.  5.35 p.m.  7.30a.m.  7.30a:m.  11.40 a.m.  11.40 n.m.
               Askcnisll, {.   ..  H·mo,·er   .  VI\  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b.  1.05 p.m.  1.05 pm .  ii.OO p.m .  5.00 p. m.  3.'.'0  p.m.  3.20 Jt.m.
               Bnlnchwa, t.   . ., St. Elizabeth  ..  71  0.30 a.rn.  a  9 .30 a.m. a  3.05  p.m.  a.05 p.m.  10.20n.m., 10.20 a.m.  3.20 p.m.  3.20 p.m.
               Ba1 carres, I.   . .  Portland   ..  45 11.00 p.lll. b  l.OOp.m.  b   JO.!l."'ia.m  10.35a.ln  Z  -t;; pm.  2.45 p.m .  11.40a.m.  11.40 a.m.
               Bamboo, I.   . .  St. Ann   ..  6:;  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  i  .40 n.m.  7 .40 a. m.   9.l:i !L.Ill.  9 .15 a .m
                                                                           LOO '" f: 00 '=
               BanAna Ground, l.  . .  1\[auchc,tcr   ..  5H  3. 15 p.m. c  3.15 p.IIJ. c   ll :!Otun. 11.30  a.m.  1.55 p.m.  1.55 pm.  0.15 a.m.  9.15 a.m.
               Bartons,l.   ..  St. Catbcrinc  ..  30  9.30 n.m. o  9.30 a.m. a  3. 20pm.   3.20 p.m.  8.()1'1  n.m.  8.00 n.m.  3.20 p.m.  3.20 p.m.
             - Bath, tel.   ..  St. Thomas   ..  41  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  o.IOJl.m.  6.10 p.m.  1.15n.m.  4.15a.m.  '!.15 a.m.  S.15 a.m.
               Belficld.  tel. I.   ..  St. Jl[ary ..   ..  42!  LOO p.rn. b  1.00 p.m  b  fl20 1'1  m.  6.20 p.m.  5.50 a.m   .50 a m.  ll.40n.m.  ll.40n.m.
               Bel ius Gate, l.   ..  St .. Cathcrine  . .  34  9.30 a.m. a  9. 30 n.w. a  4.00 p.m.  4.00 p.m.  7.00n.m.  7.00 a.m  3  20 p.m.  a.:o p.m
               Bensonton, <el.  l.  ..  St. Ann   . ..  58  1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  9.35 n.m.  9  35 a.m.  2 .05 p m  2.05 p.m   9.15 n.m  9.15 a.m.
               Betbel Town, tel. l. ..  Westmorelnnd  .. 110  9.30a.m. a  9.30a.m. a  7 . .50  p.m.  7.50 p.m.  5.25 a.m.  5 .25 a.m.  3 .20p.m  3 .20 p.m.
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