Page 12 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 12

                   POSTAGE 5TAMJ>5, ·P05TCAIW5,  ENVELOPES,  Wl?APPJ: J2S,  Etc.
                Postage Stamps of the following denominat-ions are kept in stock :-
                  !d., ld., l!d., 2d., 2}d .. 3d., 4d., 6d., 1/., 2/ ., 3/., 5/.  IO/.
                  Books containing cight~;en .Id. st•~mps and  twelve td. stamps are issued. !lfice 2/.
                 Post-carda are sold at ~d.  each, Reply Pnid  poJt cards ~·t Id  C>tch.
                  Newspape·r wrappers  arc  sold  at 1d.
                  Registered letter envelopes bearing a  3d. stnmp embossed on the  flap for  t.he payment of
                registration fP.e  2d. and postage ld. are sold  at 3}d. each.
                  Judicial Stamps  of  the values  3d., Gel., 1/,  2/, 5/, and  8/6 are  sold a~; ~11  post  office~;
                where there is a demand for them.
                  lmpres.,ed .,tamps.  title deeds and blank slips are on sale at all post offices.
                  The following is a description, together wi~h the dates  of issue, of all  p~>stage stamps
                in circulation:

                 nation.             Description.              D:~te of issue.

                  !     Jamaica.  Exhibition,  I89I           Nov.  12,  I920>
                 Id.   Arawak  Indian  making cassava         Oct.  3,  192I
                 Itd.   Contingent embarking: IJJset , head of H.M. King George  JtJly 4,  I919
                 2d    King's House, Spanish Town             Feb. 18,  1921
                 2~d.   Return  of a  contingent                 do
                 3d.    "Jamaica discovered  by Columbus,  1494"   Apl., 8,  1921
                 4d.    The  Cathedral, Spanish Town          Jn.,. 21,  192I
                 6d.    View of Port Royal Harbour,  1853     Dec. 5,  1922
                 I/     "Queen Victoria of Jamaica Lady Supreme"   Dec.  IO,  I92{)!
                 2/    The Rodney Memorial                      do.
                 3/    "Sir Chu.rles Metcalfe Gove.rnor of Jamaica 1.839-'42"   do.
                 5,    "Isle of Wood and  Water. "            Apl.  I5,  I92I
                 10/    "George  V  of Jamaica  Supreme  Lord"   ~ lay 6,  1920
                 All  nostagP.  sto>mps  of  the  colony  are  now  being  printed  on t.he  }[ultiple  Crowr"'
                Script (C. A.)  water-mark papPr.

                                     STAMP  VENDORS.
                 The following is n list. of Vcndnrs of Postage st-amps with their addresses:-
                  KvwsToN.- w·. M. Alberga, la Kingston Lane;  F.  Alien,  W'ald~ck  Grocery;  Mrs.
                A. E . Bowman,  Hl North  Street;  R. C. Brown, 45 Spa.nish  Town Rond; Mrs.  Buffin,  6
                Rne  Street; A. M. Burke,  Allma.n  Town;  A. C.  Campbell,  82 Hart>our  Street; Albert
                Ch11og,  26 Victoria  Ave.;  Mrs. C. F. Forbes,  He.nnab  Town;  F.  N. Hidalgo,  Parade;
                 A.  W.  Gardner  &  Co., Harbour Street;  Louis Gooden, 50 Beeston St1·eet;  Thom•s M.
                Guntcr, 15  \Vest Race Course; Ho Fln>g, H6 King Street; C. E. Lindo,  31 F' Lane;
                :Michael  Lindo,  40  Orange  Street;  W.  A.  Lindo,  Rae  Town;  Hen1·y  R..  Linton,  21
                Potters Row, Rae Town; H. A  Madden.  :2  Stephcn  S:reet,  Miss  Hilda  McCaw,  29
                Windward Road; M. McGilchrist, 13GG. Orange Street;  A. C. Mc!Cay.  21 West  Parade;
                Miss Ada Per.rson, Arnold Road; Miss Robertson, 63~ 'f ower Street; C. A.  Scott &  Son,
                66 North Street; T. F. Strachan, I96 Orange Street ;  Eugene Surridgt), 33 West  Parade;
                Miss T . Tennyson,  R. iVl. Court's Offiee;  Y .lVI. C. A., Hanover  Stre<'t;  Chang You, 53
                Tower Street.
                  CouNTRY .- Chin Foo!c, Pt. Antonio; Mrs. U. Evans, Cleveden Vil!e, :Ken cot, Halfway
                Tree;  Ng Yen, Cross  Roads; John Chin Ya.w  l(ong, Washville, fhgbgate;_ C.  Gordon
                Parkin, Montego Bay; Oscar Seaton, Sav.-la-Mar; Michae!Shaw, MarlieHJ!l,  Bartons,
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