Page 39 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 39

                                                                 U.$.  ARMY  STAT~ON£RY AN~
                                                                 I NSTRUCTIONAL  RANDSTAMPS.

                                                                          Type  PS  ;.

                                                         ,  1'\tia  ii e111  is t he  same  type  as "PS  2A._

                                                            but  is a  b~own Qnvelope  measuring
                                                             240  X 1~5mm and  is  a~so pri~t&d in

                                                             E:KD:                    lKD:

                                                            PS  '  cover  ~ro~ tbe  Transporfaiioh
                                                             Office  Kingston  to  ?Olmpa  wi tb.
                                                            M -USA  lA  dat er  o£  tbe  17th  JunQ.,
                                                             l~44·     The  cove~ bears  IH  l  and

                                                             TH  2  handstamps,  the  fo~~ struc~

                                                             1 n  ~age nt.a  i  nl(..
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