Page 36 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 36

                                                 U.$.  AFMt  STATIONERY  AND

                                                 INST~UCTIONAL  ~ANDSTAMPS.
                                                    Types  PS  ZA  and  lH  1.


   Commanding  Officer~

   Jamaica  Base  Coromand 1
   Jamaica.  B,  W,  I .

            OFFICIAL  B U SINES S

                                                                          Holabird Quartermaster Motor  Base
                                                                          Baltimore,  Mar yl and.

                        Stationery  iiem  PS 2A  is  ideniical  to FS  2  except  for  the  Si~e

                         o£  tbe envelope  and  -the  .P05i+.ioh  o£  the type.           l!1  PS  2  1:be
                         gap  a+.  the  top beiween  "WA"R  :DEPA"RTHWT '  and  t'he  ''P    11   o:f  EENALTY  11
                         ~s  1~9~m but  in PS  2A  tnis  gap  is  104M~ due  to tne  smaller  size
                         of'  the  envelope.

                         Tbe  firs~ of  Ins~ructionsl  Ha~d~amEs, rH  1,  is a  single
                         line hands1:al!'lp  in block  ser-i£  t,ype ,  83  X  3rn~n,  wo:rded  " WD
                         ESSENTIAL  OFFICIAL  AIR  MAIL ."          l'lte  tn~:rki.n'  is :recoxdea  st:rttc'k

                         in  eitner  violet  or  magenta  inks.
                         Violet      tKD:     .:>,  ~   "l"'f-2.        LKD:

                         MagQnia  £KD:       ,.,r,;J  ~J  ''-14:)       l!ffi:
                         PS  2A  cover  to  Holahird  Q~arieraasi er Motor  Base  ~ith M-USA  24
                         da-\: er  of the  1}t n August,  1942. ancl  IH  1  st:ruck  1.n  viol et.
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