Page 38 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 38

                                                                            ·u. S.  A"RI1Y  STATIONE-RY  AN])
                                                                            l~STRUC_TI OliAt  HANl>STAJWS.

                                                                              'I'ypes "PS  4  and  IlL 2.

                                                                     This cover  is similar to  FS  1  witn
                                                                     th.e  same  wol:'ding in_the  sali\e  fo~tnat·

                                                                     excep-t  that -tne  gap "bet Ne en  "PENALTY••

                                                                     and  •t.DEPA'RTM~NT" i.s  11D~m in  PS  l
                                                                     and  115tnm  in 'PS  4j  PS 4  is a  brown
                                                                     envelope  measut'it'lg 240  )(  1D5'tu\.

                                                                     T~pe !H  2  ~s a  three lihe bohdstdm~
                                                                     in  bAac~ block  sans  s~rif iype

                                                                     worded  ''TRANse.oRTA_T.ION  O£nC..E/2-.B
                                                                     NORTH  s:rRI.E'l',/~IN4STON,  J"At1AlCA;

                                                                     ~he dates  of  usa~e £or  PS  4  are:
                                                                     'l'he.  da-tes  ()f  usag_e  fo_.r  I.H  2.  are;

                                                                   -.EKD:                      U<D!

                                                                     'Pos\:.tiil  stationery  PS  4  -wL-tn

                                                                     lH  l-and  Itl  2  bal'lldstatt~ps  1   the.
                                                                     forma~  stru~k in  m~genta ink.  The
                                                                     cove:r  is  from  -1:1.e  Tr·ansporta1icn

                                                                     Office,  (<ingst.on  to  'I'a~n,E_a  a!'ld  bears
                                                                     M--USA  2A  dater  o£'  i:he  2..5-l;_h  Marcb,


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