Page 25 - Sutclifffe-APD_USArmy
P. 25

                                      U.  S.  ARMY  CENSORSHIP
                                    HANI>STAMPS  AND  "POSTMARKS.

                                          Poste~ - M-USA  2.
                  This  dater  is  also  a  single  line  circle  32  mm  in  diameter
            with  the  four  obliterating bars  to  the  right.  It is  worded

             10 U. S.  ARMY  POSTAL  SER\'1CE    11   around  the  t.op  and  -the  no-tation
             "A.P.O.  891"  around  -th e  bottom.             The  centre  comprises  an
            abbreviated  monih,  d~, year  (expressed  in  four  figures)  and

                                                          11   1        The  wording  is in
             t'he  time  (expressed  a.s  n AW'  or  PM' ).
             sa.ns  serif  type,  except  for  the  day"  plug,  which  is  in
             serif  type.

                  This  dater  was  used  by  Army  Post  Office  861  at  Fort
            Simonds  after  this unit relieved  A.P.O.  804  on  the  ?th  May,

             1942.,  and  plain cowers  car-rying  -the  endorsement  "Pirst "Day                 11
             have  be en  re corded  bearing M-USA  2..

                                                                 LKn:         /3/1943

                                                 Fort  S1monds,

           Local  cove:r  bearing  1-1-USA  2  of  the  5tb  M3Y  1  ~942 dddtessed to  a.f.l
           o££icer  at  ~ort Simonds  oa  the  rirsi Day  o£  use.
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30