Page 20 - Sutclifffe-APD_USArmy
P. 20

                                       U.  S.  ARMY  CENSORSHIP
                                    HANDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.

                                          Fos~er ~M-USA 1.

             'lHE EAGLE HAS TALONS
                 KEEP  AMERICA  FREE  IN  THE  AIR

                                                                              G I  .:38LS
               r                                                   Am~ric~ ' s  St~mp ~en t 9r
                                                                  33rd  St .  & B r o1J ~ ~Y
                                                                   Ne~ Yor~.  N.  Y.  U.S. A.

                qimbels"  Patriotic  cover  :from  Port  Simonqs  io  New  York
               bearing M-USA  1  dater  of  the  17th  Novemb~r,  1941,  and
               believed  -to  be  the  first day  of  usage  of  -this  dater.                 The
               cover  also  bears  M-USAC  4,  Number  lOl,  struck  in black  and

               the  name  "JAMAICA''  appears  in  sans  serif  red  type,  2.  mm
               high.        It is not  known  where  this  latter hand stamp  was
               applied,  but  the  most  probable  conclusion  is tnat  it was

               siatnped  on  -the  cover  when  i  ~  was  received  by  ''Gimbels"  so
               as  to  provide  an  easy  sales  reference  when  reselling  -the

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