Page 26 - Sutclifffe-APD_USArmy
P. 26

                                        U.  S.  ARMY  CENSORSHIP

                                     ~ANDSTAMPS AN]  J>OSTMARKS.
                                         Foster  - M-USA  2A.
                     This  aa-ter  is a  variant  on  M-USA  2,  being  the  sarne  dater

              bui  with  the  A.P.O.  Number  S61  blocked  out  with  a  me1al
              filling,  giving  rise  to  a  short bar  afier  the  letters  "A.P.O".

                    __ln  later  examples  of  this strike  -t'he  marl<  of  -the  "bar           11
              has disappeared,  and  it is assumed  tha1  the  meial  filling
              came  out  and  the  number  was  perma.nehtly  erased  as  occurred
              in  the  case  of  other  wartime  daters .

              EK~:      23/ll/JS42                              LKD:      ;0/4/1~4)

              Cover  from  ~amaica bearing  the  sender's  unit number  and

              par-ticulars and  -the  endorsetnent,  "A.P.O .  861  - c/o Post master
              New  York"  addressed  to  the U. S. A.               The  cover  bea);:"s  M-USA  2A
              daier  of  ihe  23rd  November,  1942,  the  date  and  time  plugs

              being -transposed.              The  cover  also  beal!"s  M-USAC  4,  Number
              112.,  struck  in  red,  which  would  be  applied  at For-t:.  Simond.s.
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