Page 27 - Sutclifffe-APD_Military_RoyalNavy
P. 27

                                               The  Royal  Navy  in  J amaica.

          RN  13 .   H. M. S .  GURKHA.

              In  1983  H. M. S .  Gurkha  was  in  Jamaican  waters  and  a  letter  was  sent  bearing  the
          Commanding  Officer' s  handstamp  comprising  a  TRD  with  a  double  lined  outer  oval,
          30  x  50mm,  and  a  single  line  inner  oval ,  18  x  36mm,  with  COMMANDING  OFFICER  around
          the  top  and  H. M.S .  GURKHA  around  the  bottom,  there  are  no  asterisks  on  each  side .
          The  marking  is  struck  in  purple  ink .
          EKD :  24  February  1983                                 LKD :

              Cover  from  Half  Way  Tree  to  Austria  franked  at  20c,  with  Half  Way  Tree  dater  of
          the  24th  February,  1983 .   Bearing  RN  13  struck  in  purple  ink .

                             By air mail
                             Par avian


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