Page 64 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 64

A to z CO

                 Every Br~tish Colon~a1 Stamp Brough
                                              Therefore Collect Bri

     Cover from Half way Tree to the U. S . A. fran
16 January 1940. The cover shows the various
Smith . The cover probably enclosed the '~Fina
both items are the same.

                       U U~ w;,w, 7 D.,..,._ a - To :-
                    L . BARRINGTON SMITH

                                       Job Printing and Book-bindinc.

                                  THE WEST INDIAN PHILATELIST.
                                    Offic.ial O, th• B. S. £. Clu.'.:t.

   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69