Page 62 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 62

Mr I. . Barri ng ton (DJ:PT - ) /But:can. .r Hobby Club, /address

    ~rint•d r•turn cover ~• above !rom Gold~n Spr1n9 ~•ek to Half Way Tree with
indectpherable ~ter and Halt Way Tree re~eiving dater of 4 AU9Uit 1938 on the reverse.
Barrinqton Saith ere.ate<l the ~lub in 1938.

M r L . Barrington Smith <•>•••·                            ' .... .)

        Bucca116er Ho1Jb:1 Club,                                    •

            127 H...ey Park Roa.i.

                     HALF-WAY-TilEF. P,O.

                        !IT oL'WilEW, J .U I \ICA, B.W.t .

    Cover with e1rtoon print o! a Ea.n with photos ete printed in black from Half Way Tree
to the U.S.A. with Half Way Tr•• ~ter of 12 ~ne 1939 .


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