Page 61 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 61

Third c:ov•r: handstalt'.ped as the above two covers from Half May Tr•• to the U. S. A. with
Half Way Tree datcr of 26 January 1938.

                           FROM:- L. &arrington Saith./8UOCAN~5R HOBBY CLUB/address .
      R~iatered eover from H~lf Vay Tre• to the U.S. A. franked at 4~ vith Halt Way Tree
 ~ter of 30 July 1938. The eover beara a 1~1 is addressed to the Buccan••r Rotby
 Club. a club created by Barrlnq~on ~th.

      lf2"'"D!!""'""'""t c-;=re:-;t,.._
                 FROM:· L. Barrington Smith,
                        BUCCANEER HOOOV CU.IO.
                       127. tl-.l.,.p.,.lo:toad. Hdlw-.,tree.
          •P. 0. JAMAICA. 8. W. I.

   R Uli-WAY 1IU
              No 95 8 7
                                             POLO . , I'*.t. ,, U5A.,
                              i.egintore~ .
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66