Page 408 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 408

Jamaica Registration: Mailed Out Of Course

                                              Mailed Out Of Course: second type.
                                              6 examples known, 1923 to 1930.

                 On 1930 first flight cover in transit at Kingston from Panama to Cuba. The latest known date.

            The 20c franking is only enough for the airmail postage from Panama to Cuba, without any
            registration fee. However, the typed ‘Registered’ identified it to the Kingston post office as to be taken
            out of the normal post and registered. Kingston post office would not have sorted mail that was only
            passing through on a first flight. It may be that this letter was mis-sorted in Panama into the mailbag
            dropped off at Kingston, where it was found to be doubly out of course – not registered and sent to
            the wrong destination. This interpretation is supported by the delay of 9 days in Kingston awaiting the
            first Pan American flight out of Jamaica which went via Miami to Cuba.

            This is also the only known Jamaican Mailed Out Of Course mark on a cover in international transit.

                      20 cents (airmail Panama to Cuba).

                      Via Cristobal – Jamaica – Cienfuegos

                           · 2 December 30;
                           · AGENCIA POSTAL DE PANAMA / PRIMER / UELO / PANAMA – JAMAICA

                      · timed machine slogan cancel: 3 December 30;
                      · First Flight / inaugurating / Air Mail Service / to Jamaica B. W. I.;
                      · second type Mailed Out Of Course;
                      · registered: 3 December 30 (Lant type RC15, die 4);
                      · registration label (Lant type RL1).

                      Cuba:  · Santiago de Cuba: 12 December 30;
                             · 13 December 30.
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