Page 403 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 403

1tration: Avis de Reception.
  e from Jamaica to the U.S.A.,  1918.                   Early A. R.  forms,  after
                                                         completion and signature at
                                                         the office of destination,
                                                         were posted back to their
                                                         offices of origin.  Many
 TY'S  SERVICE ..                                        countries' forms,  including
                                                         U.S. forms of this date,
                                                         needed covering envelopes.
                                                         This Jamaica post office
                                                         'Avis de reception en
                                                         retour' envelope was made
                                                         large enough to hold any
                                                         likely size of A. R.  form.
                                                         0 HMS and post free.

                                                         Kingston: 4 February 18.
                                                         Lynn registered:  8 February 18.
                                                         The envelope itself was not
                                                         registered,  but as the
                                                         datestamp of Lynn,  the U.S.
                                                         receiving office, shows,  it
                                                         was delivered to the
                                                         registration section of that
                                                         office where A. R.  matters
                                                         were handled.

  to Constant Spring, Jamaica, posted back to the U.S.A.,  1927.

 !  return did not need an envelope, so covering envelopes fell out of use.
 :companied registered mail from the U.S.A. and were to be completed and

     From Constant Spring the A. R.  card was posted back to Philadelphia.
     It should have travelled post free.  Instead, a 1 d stamp, the postcard rate,
     was affixed and cancelled Constant Spring,  30 July 27.

      ~ JM /'11.r.~~

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