Page 168 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 168

Jamaica: The Vendryes Provisional

                                       Second setting: double overprints, columns 1 and 2.
            In the second setting, as in the first, double overprints were corrections of misplaced overprints.
            Double overprints are almost always from two different positions in the same column, unlike the first
            setting, where nearly all doubles are two strikes of the same position.

                                                   Column 1, positions 1 and 7.

                                                                                            Position 1 misplaced.
                          Position 7 correction.
                     Position 1, misplaced,
                  shadowed by a kiss-print                                                  Position 1 correction.
                     part second strike.

                                                                                            Position 7 misplaced.
                    Sismondo opinion, 2009.                                                Ex Swarbrick.

                                                       Column 2, positions 2 and 8.

                                         Position 2

                                         Position 8
                                               Position 8                    Position 9
                                               misplaced.                    misplaced.

                                  Ex Winter and Swarbrick.
                              Certificate BPA 66023, 1969.

                                            Columns 1 and 2, positions 1, 2, 7 and 8.

                                                                                                             1 and 2
          1, 2 and 3.                                Positions      Positions                                corrections.
                                                     1 and 2        1 and 2
                                                     corrections.   misplaced.

                                                     Positions      Positions                                Positions
          7, 8 and 9.                                                                                              7 and 8
                                                       7 and 8        7 and 8                                corrections.
                                                     corrections.   misplaced.

          Ex Swarbrick.
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